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Constant glitches/artifacts after Windows 10

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Hey everyone, I'm hoping there's somebody here who can help with a frustrating situation my buddy is going through.


Attached are examples of the kinds of glitches my friend has been having ever since he installed Win 10. Flushing does help, but they always come back within 5 or 10 mins. He's checked his cards, tried changing the HDR quality and has messed with every setting he can find. This only happens in Dayz.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


He's running an i5 655K with two GTX 660's 




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w10 has problems with automatic driver install. download manually, should fix it.



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Hi all, friend of Blownupicus here, just hijacking his forum ID to update on some of the suggestions (and I appreciate all of them).



First thing to mention is that while running Windows 7, I never had any issues.  I'm considering going back to it, but my stubborn nature wants to make Win10 work.


My drivers are up to date, I'm pretty anal about that sort of thing.  After a bit of reading, I've heard Win10 does background, automatic driver updates, so I'll look into disabling that.  Win10 seems like a sneaky bastard with that sort of thing (still learning the OS).


My SLI system is set to single GPU only in NVIDIA Control Panel for DayZ, which I think is enough for disabling SLI there.  If there's something I don't know regarding that, let me know!



I've also been having BSOD's, with dxgmms2.sys as the file it hates.  I know this is a DirectX problem of some sort.  These occur outside of DayZ, and outside of games entirely, so I'm not sure if they're related at all, loosely related, or directly related.  They happen about 2 times a week, while the glitching in DayZ happens every time I play, anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes of play.  Seems to depend on if I'm in a big city (2 minutes) or out in the open (20).  

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