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Instructions for setting up a DayZ Mod Server?

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As someone who has never played this game before, after a couple hours and a lot of guides, I am finding it rather difficult to get a DayZ Mod server up and running. I've installed Steam, followed by ARMA 2, ARMA 2:OA, ARMA 2: DayZ Mod as well as the ARMA 2 Dedicated Server and ARMA 2: OA Dedicated Server.


As I am now sitting here with a lot of files and no real clear understanding of what needs to be done, could anyone point me in the direction of the best information? I would like to just package all this up where it can be deployed easily to our various dedicated servers if possible.


Thank you.

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You have multiple dedicated servers, but not a hosting provider to setup the game? I suggest setting up a personal test server first and getting to know the setup, battleye/etc, directory structure, database, settings and then the scripting. I used the "Pwnoz0r pack"(google it) to start and then upgraded to the latest.  If you are going to fully manage this yourself, doing by hand will help.

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