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Looking for players

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Hey Everyone,


I feel that I've familiarised myself with the game enough not to be a total noob, have become tired of running around the maps and looking for a group to play with rather then trying to survive alone. I am only a casual gamer and by no means necessary brilliant at this game. I come on it for fun and i'm just looking for homies to play with. I've been mostly playing on dayz overpoch taviana server: 214HQ Server - IP Address: but willing to move to a new server depending on what kind of add-ons they have. I can talk on Teamspeak if needs be and I like Overpoch taviana the most, im in Central Standard Time and play usually later in the nights, after 6 PM or later depending on my schedule.
If you think im the right guy for you then just send me a message on here or on steam,
(please message me to let me know your interested in playing since i've been receiving alot of odd random request)



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