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My first SVD kill 0.58

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Learn to aim with that Scope then you wouldn´t waiste all threse precious ammo...

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Learn to aim with that Scope then you wouldn´t waiste all threse precious ammo...

This is only my second kill at a range longer that 100m.  Most of the shots that i missed were at around 1000m.

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I never shot an SVD. I'm a pussy player. I only had one by killing 2 sniper bandits on Elektro. Took his SVD and hid it in a tent. Disappeared a while after...

The sound of an SVD is an AK place holder I guess? I expected a way more threatening sound being it the best sniper rifle in the game (It is, semi-auto 7.62x54mmR)

Edited by StanleyWasHappy

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