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smiley (DayZ)

Shopping Mall

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Hi everyone,

I am in the process of making a shopping mall just for the pure fun of it. I would be happy to donate the model to Rocket and the project if he wishes.

So I’m just here asking for some opinions as to what you would like to see inside a shopping mall? For this particular style of gameplay.

Please no silly or unrealistic out of engine requests. We all know how basic Arma2 buildings are so try to keep ideas or suggestions in keeping with the game.


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some back corridors/fire escapes etc much like dead rising esque but downsized and edited to fit the era?

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It would be perfect if you'd stick to the soviet style, so that he would look naturally.

Here's a screenie of one that would fit Electrozavodsk or Zelenogorsk:


Or a bigger one, the main mall of soviet Kyiv, my homecity, that would be suitable for Chernogorsk:


If you are interested, I could find pictures on how it should look inside.

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A shopping mall in a war-torn russian country seems a bit...unrealistic doesn't it? I mean, I'm not one to stifle someone creating new models but I doubt it'd be put in the game.

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A shopping mall in a war-torn russian country seems a bit...unrealistic doesn't it? I mean, I'm not one to stifle someone creating new models but I doubt it'd be put in the game.

Ever been to a war-torn Russian country?

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Ever been to a war-torn Russian country?

Well obviously no, I just figured since Chernarus seems very rural that the likelyhood of there being a shopping mall would be rather low.

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well im surprised there are no police stations in cherno, but thats the map from arma 2 so cant complain, but yes i would like 2 see a mall introduced into dayz

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A Prison would be good, it's realistic for them to be out in the middle of nowhere away from public areas, plus walking dead ftw :)

Modding Devil's Castle to be larger or adding a large Manor house or Chateau could also work.

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i'd like to see a mall in one of the big city's yes. you cant tell me there is not a single shopping mall 225 KM2 with 3big cities and an airfield in it.

though as mentioned before, keep it in style and scattered, no more tight and neat looking pillars and floors, but maybe by default half collapsed, and robbed stores, where you got to flip every table and check every backroom to find something? when hell breaks loose the malls is where people go first, they think its safe there, and that there is plenty of resources there, which obviously is, but once you get there mate, its all a hell of people who didnt make it and became zombies, and robbed empty stores, wont find a fancy dress in here, maybe a pair of jeans if you're lucky.

so what i'm trying to say, great idea, but must be as-good-as-robbed, good spawns are rare, but if you search hard enough it'll always be paid of by atleast some water and beams, dont forget to watch out for the defences that people who didnt make it set up, and prepare to encounter a shit ton of zombies in there.

also; dont know how far in the progress you are, but any chance to get to see some screenies of what you currently have? :)

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Will OP deliver, if so proof it with screens of the progress of your work, also not to disappoint you, but i doubt that rocket will accept it, but you may use it for your portfolio

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It'd be cool if there was a clothing store in said mall. Maybe have a chance of spawning clothing drops? I know there are way more models for civilian outfits in Arma II than there are in DayZ.

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A shopping mall in a war-torn russian country seems a bit...unrealistic doesn't it? I mean, I'm not one to stifle someone creating new models but I doubt it'd be put in the game.

this isnt 1945

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