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Vigilante play

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Hey all

Whenever i see a playerkiller camping a snipe spot or similar i actively go out of my way to mess with/kill/force him to leave his position. I have been wondering if anyone else plays in a similar way?

I limit this to snipers atm as they are more obvious playerkillers... i have been wondering what signs i could look for in non snipers... atm i just stalk and observe... often a noob gets killed while i wait an see lol.

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I generally do the same though I have to admit its mostly for their gear :p I can generally trade good sniper rifles for assault rifles. Only problem is that most snipers i've ambushed/fought have been filthy disconnecters.

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Hey all

Whenever i see a playerkiller camping a snipe spot or similar i actively go out of my way to mess with/kill/force him to leave his position. I have been wondering if anyone else plays in a similar way?

I limit this to snipers atm as they are more obvious playerkillers... i have been wondering what signs i could look for in non snipers... atm i just stalk and observe... often a noob gets killed while i wait an see lol.

How do you know that the snipers aren't killing PKers?

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I typically play like this when I am at the NW airfield. I want his gear and I hate it when I get killed coming out of the barracks.

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I do my best to kill only PKer's, often just kneecapping them and leaving them be (often kneecapping them again after they use morphine). Problem is telling who's a PKer from just a normal player. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's not. Just roll the dice.

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If I see a player kill another player, and don't see a good reason, I'll often go out of my way for some vigilante justice.

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Vigilante only when I can see them kill another player without reason. This means I also need to confirm that the person they killed was not a PKr. I'm actually friends with a guy that sits on "sniper hill" and shoots zombies for noobs with no weapon.

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pyro's friend = a baddass!

yeah telling pker's from nonpkers was why i started the thread. *no* i dont wanna see the bandit skin return lol. just wondered how other people approach it. I generally observe with binocs for a bit and try to get a feeling for whats going on. Somtimes i get close enough for direct and pretend i'm a noob to see what the guy does.

topic of shooting zeds for noobs.... i helped a noob trapped in the electro firestation yesterday... did an awsome me guiding him and using smoke bombs to keep the zeds organised.... well yeah then he killed hm when i turned my back... lame.

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