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Really Want to get back into the mod

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are there any really good servers still up and running which are always almost at full capacity.

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I downloaded Dayzlauncher a couple of days ago after not having played any mods for almost two years. It's a blast, really! You see the potential of DAyz standalone, as it definitely is more refined in most aspects, but I am so enjoying my mods right now :). I can't tell you how good it feels to fly a heli again and repair cars and drive off into the sunset. The mods are far from dead. And I'm not even playing ArmaIII mods - still lots of players for the old ones.


The reason I got back into the mods is because my 2 friends decided to get ARMA II Combined Ops on the Bohemia sale. That finally gives me a reason to show them what I played, before they picked up the standalone and dragged me into all of this ;) Glad they did, but I'm also glad to show them Origins and Epoch and especially the Taviana and Namalsk map. Right now we are having more fun than in the standalone, but that is to be expected, since they know none of it. 

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