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Can't start the game at all

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So just did a clean install of standalone and when I go to click play the game tries to start then I get an error. Cannont open file 'dta/bin.ebo and its never the same error everytime I click play it gives me a different one. Even when I verify cache it starts to download over 6GB of something and takes me 3 hours to download that and still after dowloading another 6GB I still get an error. And again I never get the same error its always different so I can't just delete it because everytime its something different.

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sounds strange, might be a broken hdd or some malware?


but, more info:


why clean install

what kind of errors




honestly, try to reinstall. if that doesnt help reinstall complete system. if that doesnt help search for broken hardware.



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Try below-


Ctrl+R, regedit

Follow the path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\Dayz
(Wow6432Node will be there only on 64bit version of Windows)

Double click on MAIN,remove the extra backslash at the end and OK.
That should be the correct path, but Im not at home to check, I will update if its different when I get home but you get the idea.
Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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