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Tactical Nuke

All of a sudden getting low fps...

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I've played over 1200hrs, have put up with low frames in the past, bought a new rig etc (not exclusively for DayZ) and now average at 40-60 in fields and 15-30 in cities. I had played up until the .58 Hotfix with no problems but when it dropped I noticed my frames bomb to 10 in the open and I can't even move in cities. I've wondered if it was my rig but no other games are affected. I have no launch parameters set, and all my settings are as they were. I can't figure this out.


Has anyone else experienced this since the Hotfix?

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It's a fresh install of the game, I've never bothered with editing the .cfg's since I installed it on my SSD. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it, will test and post back results. :/


Edit: Installed and tested on SSD and HDD and no difference.

Edited by Tactical Nuke

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