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First 24 hrs ingame.

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I had been watching various streams of this game for a couple of weeks now trying to decide if I really wanted to get it with D3 coming out. A few days ago, I bit the bullet, so to speak, and got Arma2 CO and Dayz. This is a rundown of what has happened.

Having some knowledge already from the streams and the Chernasus map on another screen, I spawned in east of Elektro and immediately headed north. I managed to get completely turned around while evading a bandit and 3 hours into playing found myself staring at Cherno from the north side with still only my starting equipment minus some food and water. At that point I closed the open map, said screw it, and headed roughly north again using the Sun and shadows. Ran into some outlying barns and homes for food and managed to find a Winchester. Feeling good I ran across "the factory" a little later and died to zeds there. Aw well, was fun so respawned again next day.

But the next day things had changed, 1.5.7 had come out and oh boy this made things a whole lot better. I gave myself the goal of reaching the NE airstrip no matter where I spawned from. I was in Cherno when I finally got in game and headed north again barely avoiding a couple of bandits on the roam with CZs. Having explored north of Cherno previously I was a bit familiar with it and hit up the barns and homes I had the previous day. I found a map and a good amount of food/water but no primary weapon. As I was contemplating which hill to go over to the NE. I spotted a tent in a field not too far off. I approached carefully scanning the surroundings and taking my time. No one around so I rushed the last 30m to it and hit a bit of a jackpot. Tons of food, drinks, and medical stuff. The major find though was a m1014 w/ flashlight and tons of ammo for it. I fit what I could in my newbie pack and gtfo'ed.

With those supplies I managed to find my way to the NE airfield but died due to zed respawns.

I made a similar journey 2 more times and had a blast doing so solo. Being stealthy, thinking tactically, and keeping situational awareness are keys to me loving this game.

Hope to see fellow survivors out there. Ran into 2 guys soloing during my roams and we parted without any shots fired and talked briefly on this or that. If you see me around feel free to contact me if you are a survivor. If you're bandit skin I will shoot on site unless you identify yourself and face away from me. Any hostile actions get ya shot survivor or bandit just so yall know.

Stay safe and keep your powder dry.


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Awesome man, I'm glad you had a good experience... I can't wait, thanks for the post.

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Wouldn't mind hooking up with another lone wolf who understands the concept of woodland travel and playing tactically. I've got a task that needs doing.

Shoot me a message chief.

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