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H. Mp5k with clip, Winchester model 70, AKM, Mosin, gorka shirts, hunting pants, barrel full of canned food

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I have all of these items I'd be willing to let go of a long with a few pristine ak74s and a pristine ak74u, all guns are pristine quality. Although the handgaurd on the AKM is worn. I'm mostly interested in mags, M4 any condition, AuG, hunting scope. Mainly I want GLOW PLUGS.

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  On 9/14/2015 at 4:38 AM, Adiodato said:

I have all of these items I'd be willing to let go of a long with a few pristine ak74s and a pristine ak74u, all guns are pristine quality. Although the handgaurd on the AKM is worn. I'm mostly interested in mags, M4 any condition, AuG, hunting scope. Mainly I want GLOW PLUGS.

Not 100% sure but think you may be referring to DayZ Standalone, in which case you'll need to PM a mod to get them to move this across to that subforum- this one is for the DayZ Mod.

On the forum homepage look for 'DayZ PC' and that'll be the SA subforums, they even have their own trading post https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172229-trading-post/

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