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Persistence Help

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Hi guys, 


I would like to try and gather some FACTS about persistence and the issues we are all facing. I have read a few topics on the forum and a lot of it seems to be theory. I would like to try and iron out some facts if we can?


A few players have been asking me questions on persistence and I would like to answer them as best I can but Idon't have all the answers. Please remember I don't want "I think" or "I heard" replies, lets get the facts! :P


1.  Does loot have a time linked to it, would it respawn after said time? 

2. Dynamic events, choopers etc, respawn every four hours?

3. Do vehicles despawn/respawn? If so WHEN?

4. If weapons are stashed, does that mean another wouldn't spawn?


I will update this post as we go along, hope we can all help each other out.





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Thanks wasnu, do you know what time though, as in four hours from when?

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Thanks wasnu, do you know what time though, as in four hours from when?


i can´t, they will stay 4 hours before despawn.


you can try to find one and then sit and wait until it despawn to know which time they spawn, but that sounds not to be a funny time.


eventually we can calculate it from the time .58 hits stable (at this time all 3 choppers have been spawned) and all 4 hours they did new, but i don´t know the exact time when the servers came back last week 


Edit, as i wrote that, i found one crashsite, i will sit in the bushes and wait...all for sience  :blush:


EDIT2: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/228702-how-are-helicopter-crash-sites-working-in-058-stable/ there is an other thread where someone said, they despawn after 4 hours BUT respawn after 12 or 24 hours.... so, we will never know how it works.


EDIT3: someone saw me watching the chopper and shot me in the face...no more watching  >:(

Edited by wasnu
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this are all my observations, nothing 100% ofc because no devs commented on this things.


1. they don't, not in this patch at least. thought they have a timer after you pick them up and drop them. each item is different than others but generally speaking, mags and guns and ammos have the longest timer of all. (also, again from observation, clean-up of the items seems buggy to me.


2. i didn't say (on the topic Wasnu linked) that they despawn after 4 hours. item's on Heli crash-sites respawn every 4 hours, the crash site itself reposition (despawn, and spawn somewhere else) at an unknown time which my best guess is 12 to 24 hours.


3. Nope. vehicles don't despawn or respawn. they just refuel and repair the tires and flip over tires (if they are on side and can't move) (english issue here, cant find the word) after a restart. nothing else. i don't know what happens if no one interact with them since for now most of persistence items stays there for 45 days without any interaction so no one actually can answer this question but devs.


4. i have a little doubt on this. but my answer is no.  i know the fact that items inside players inventory and tents should not count, but someone else in this topic said the do and we got no reference from him and no devs asked ( i tried to ask eugen, but you know, im not a successful streamer or smth)

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3. I did get a truck to despawn in EXP, couldn't make it back to where I got it before a wipe to see if it respawned. I crashed it into a shallow part in the ocean and died. Made my way back and hung around with it through at least one maybe two resets where the tires would ruin immediately after. It eventually wasn't there yet the barrel I manged to place underwater by it was.


I know you didn't want heard/read but there was a really detailed post about a guy getting random killed driving with his passenger and and made it back to the scene shortly after to find the truck gone. It did say the exact colour of truck was back where the one that presumably despawned came from.  


4. Can't say for sure but the town I spent the first week in eventually stopped spawning ranged weapons after I took them for a few days and stashed them near the town.  

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One thing we figured out last night, on restarts ALL trucks face north, how weird is that hey? There was three of us all in Cargo's when the server restarted and BOOM, all changed to the exact north!

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