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Suggestions - Considerations - DayZ Week 1

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'Sup guys? I'm going to introduce myself in the right section just right after I spitted these considerations out.

I'm thinking over and over them from when I started.


So I started in the lowest ping / highest player count server
It started and I spawned for first time, already knowing the game I was going to play (a few videos, reviews and friends' suggestions/descriptions).

I was prepared to PvP Spawn frustration (moving inland wasn't that easy) as many other survival titles, was prepared to an Early Access game with bugs etc, and I GOT SO DAMN CAUGHT.

It was perfect, yep, maybe I was dying a few times trying to learn basiscs just playing and reading some guides in the meanwhile, but ONE THING; AND ONE THING ONLY came to my mind from the beginning.

It is such a fanta-realistic game, why is PvP this "FPS-Like"?

I mean, let your Tv-series taste aside, and think about The Walking Dead and it's approach to the theme itself.
I know it has turn more to a sitcom now, but ONE THING it caught right, was atmosphere.
The moral effects of their and others action, lost of faith, lost or gain of respect and trust.
Going around spawn-killing new spawns just to get what? Or Killing them just because they're a threat already (Lucky day, entering a house finding a rifle and some ammo...getting off and shooting that nice guy who left me play on)
Players are AFRAID of other players but this way they act in an non-human way, killing just because it's admitted.

There should be ripercussions, to simulate a little of morality and motivate people NOT to kill but to INTERACT first, create stories whilst evalutating pros and cons of any kill....

"Nice bag! Is that bag worth the loss?"
"Needing ammo, gonna check that guy out"

Now morality it's all relative to roleplay...but someway it should not (IN MY OPINION) be this unconsidered :)

As it is supposed to be, consider this constructive, and still this game is way more worth the money I spent.

Sorry about my english, writing from Italy here, i'm kinda rusty in writing  Eng ;)

Edited by Majork86

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'Sup guys? I'm going to introduce myself in the right section just right after I spitted these considerations out.

I'm thinking over and over them from when I started.


So I started in the lowest ping / highest player count server

It started and I spawned for first time, already knowing the game I was going to play (a few videos, reviews and friends' suggestions/descriptions).

I was prepared to PvP Spawn frustration (moving inland wasn't that easy) as many other survival titles, was prepared to an Early Access game with bugs etc, and I GOT SO DAMN CAUGHT.

It was perfect, yep, maybe I was dying a few times trying to learn basiscs just playing and reading some guides in the meanwhile, but ONE THING; AND ONE THING ONLY came to my mind from the beginning.

It is such a fanta-realistic game, why is PvP this "FPS-Like"?

I mean, let your Tv-series taste aside, and think about The Walking Dead and it's approach to the theme itself.

I know it has turn more to a sitcom now, but ONE THING it caught right, was atmosphere.

The moral effects of their and others action, lost of faith, lost or gain of respect and trust.

Going around spawn-killing new spawns just to get what? Or Killing them just because they're a threat already (Lucky day, entering a house finding a rifle and some ammo...getting off and shooting that nice guy who left me play on)

Players are AFRAID of other players but this way they act in an non-human way, killing just because it's admitted.

There should be ripercussions, to simulate a little of morality and motivate people NOT to kill but to INTERACT first, create stories whilst evalutating pros and cons of any kill....

"Nice bag! Is that bag worth the loss?"

"Needing ammo, gonna check that guy out"

Now morality it's all relative to roleplay...but someway it should not (IN MY OPINION) be this unconsidered :)

As it is supposed to be, consider this constructive, and still this game is way more worth the money I spent.

Sorry about my english, writing from Italy here, i'm kinda rusty in writing  Eng ;)


I don't believe there should be any direct consequences for killing another player. Certainly no coded penalty on the killer as that would ruin the game. Of course there are indirect ways to make people think twice before pulling the trigger. From what I can gather, the main motivation not to fire in the finished game will be the response it generates from the infected. Once they have resolved the performance issues with the infected, I think the aim is to make a single un-silenced shot trigger a hundred zombies to come looking for the source of the noise.


The infected, and limited resources are going to be the only real way to limit KOS. Right now, the infected are not an issue at all, and ammunition is plentiful, so PVP is going to happen a lot. Once they make the PVE side of the game a lot tougher, with stealth being essential in cities for survival, you will see less PVP,  or less shooting, and it's somewhat easier to survive a melee attack. You will also see a lot of PVP focused players quit the game and wait for a mod that makes it back like it is now, but with more stuff.

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can humans even act non-human?


try out private hives, there are big differences.

in addition, the current stable version is really pvb(ambi)-heavy as every douchebag can equip easily with military gear. wait for the next patch...


Much of the dayz-atmosphere comes from the fact, that you can get a headshot at any time - you will adapt to that.


i dont think that your ideas will make it to the vanilla, as one of the main focus for the devs is freedom of choice for every player. a moral corset would negate that.

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Yeah I get both your points, and expecially thinking of numbers, as stated by McTabish, the infected would rule the set...Just didn't think about it at first ;)

As I said, it was only being constructive, and also I agree with edwin3 since with a little deeper thinking, part of the sneaky-solo gameplay at this very moment, is being afraid of being shotted down :D

As said before, I didn't mean to raise a fuss or what ;)

Thanks for the answers though ;)

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