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Diplomacy attempts?

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Anyone ever had any successful trades?

Edited by Gorkounov

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That's a really rough way to go, but also a fucking awesome/hilarious story. Never trust the Russians! My bandit group has slowly assimilated members into its ranks through trade agreements, little offerings of trust etc. etc. A few times I've offered a guy something in trade and was met with makaroni bullets to the dome. Such is life in Dayz

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I have never tried to trade with anyone, I just dont see a way to guarentee theyll come through with their end of the bargain. Then again, I've never had to opportunity. We'll see.

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Never had a desire to trade with anyone. We generally get what we can, find the loot, then hunt down what we don't have in the night.

Never saw a point to trading.

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Say your going to trade with someone then shoot them in the head.

My story:

I was in the Elecktro Pub and someone was upstairs yelling? " Are you Friendly ? " I said yes, but I could not hear him well, so he agreed for me to come upstairs, just as he was asking me what guns I had I shot him 10 times in the head and took all his stuff.

Take advantage of the weak, as long as this current no bandit skin is in place.

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An unfortunate tale.

In your shoes I would have had at minimum two people overlooking the deal with snipers. At worst two of those fuckheads would have been taken out as well,

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You gave your scouts an enfield and a bison? You tried to negotiate with russians? You traded a car for 8 aks?

Are you even trying?

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I've made friends in cherno with a guy when we were both getting shot at by an unknown assailant. We've since met up a few times and helped each other out.

I've had two strangers agree to team up with me, one brought us a truck, just because we asked.

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Haha, unfortunate but funny story.

Some guy I know wanted to trade a L85 with one of our m4a1 CCO SD, not sure why someone would want to do that, but the idiot attempted to kill us before so we met up with him filled his body with bullets and took the l85 :D revenge for the idiot.

But generally we only have one allied group, everyone else is KoS

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theres no motivation at all not to do people in... they had the jump on you guys, if you made it so you had the control it could have worked i guess.

I might have had an agreement where one guy runs out t o load the vehicle, he stays in vehicle and its driven somewhere + unloaded then they get it, or some sort of better situation where you would have control, or at least a bit more control.

But yeah, there are no incentives not to do people in unless you make them yourself.

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I once dealt with some other players (can't remember their nationalities) but we were trading 12 ak's for 2 trucks (hey wha can i say they were noobs) we told them they were fully loaded ak's little did they know we had the ammo stored at a second drop location we were going to give them if they complied unfortuantely they tried to gun us down little did they know that we had 6 ghillie snipers surrounding them they dropped like flies we got the trucks and the guns and ammo. I'm all for dealing and diplomacy, hell i even set up phoney deals to kill people, but it's funny when noobs try to be clever.

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My old group I was in has a lot of sorta common gear and I keep finding really rare gear so I trade with them. The reason I'm not with them some of my IRL friends got the game and I play with them.

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I've never done a trade, I generally only wind up being friendly to noobs because those who have been here for a while seem to have a KoS policy. I personally would have made the deal like this:

Make the arrangements like you said, however only have one player in the vehicle with a second player in a different vehicle riding close by, four tactically placed snipers, two players with silenced weapons and ghillie suits flanking the "drop point" whilst also bringing along a player with a more powerful gun such as an M240 or AK variant.

At that point, you park the vehicle far from the drop point (with little sniping chance) giving them message for only one person to come down with the AK's, stop them 20-30m from the vehicle telling them to drop the AK's and walk back to their group, one person grabs the AK's and places them in the second vehicle whilst the unequipped driver delivers the vehicle without carrying anything, including a pack. This way even if they're killed the other gets nothing a corpse, sniped upon and the team behind them opening fire. This means you can take your vehicle back, but if it goes smoothly then you leave with what you wanted.

I have a better idea, but I thought I'd put my second class idea here for others to use in case I end up in a trade situation.

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saved this guy...

saved his friend.

saved them both again..

killed the snipers trying to kill them...

gave them the killer's guns.

other guy dies to a killer, i kill him, heal the other dude.

suddenly the guy shoots me in the face...

then my friend takes him out and the server crashes...

bye gear and possible friends...

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how can you be born in Russian and be a Canadian?

Yeah, to be more specific, me and my family is Russian and living in Canada. :P

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What did you expect? You trade with bandits.

We have a small allied group in our ranks. We do not trade but we share and cover each other's arses during raids. You just need to choose your friends well.

But trading... Pointless atm but whole idea sounds rather interesting. I'm looking forward to this and hope it will be developed in something meaningfull later. On the other hand someone will always try to turn the tables so you need to earn some respect or be plainly feared to mess with.

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