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Anyone else have a huge problem with combat?

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I don't have problems with sending people on a quick vacation get away to the coast. But I also have noticed that bullets striking my character's hit box produces unfavorable results. Alas.

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didn't want to read... this could have been said already... right now clothing does a great job absorbing alot of damage... if you have pristine clothing, you will take more shots than someone who has worn or damaged. same goes with vest, ect.. there is also an issue with desync/ping, some of your shots could have not registered, or, you could have even killed him after you died. iv seen plenty of times where i drop a guy, and as hes falling or laying on the floor he starts shooting and i die.


my advice would be to just keep on, keeping on. you will get better with practice, and try to use your brain to your advantage. there have been plenty of times i survived because i ran into a advantageous position and just waited the person out.


you can practice your aim on zombies, but there is no substitute for the real thing. get a buddy and travel in pairs.. that way if you die, maybe your buddy can kill him and youll still maintain some gear and not have to start from square 1.


your pc could be an issue as well, if you have out dated hardware it makes playing and FPS that much harder, believe it or not, you are at a disadvantage.


happy hunting.

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This is why I always carry a sawn off shotgun for combat in buildings...not sure if it would make a difference with the desync though.

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Is there a way I can check which servers have the best desync rates before i join them?

when u refresh a server say u see a server says 79 ping. and u click it once to highlight it. then the ping is refreshed again (only 1 server not a list).  If the result is say 74 or 82 or something. 
then you have a good server. some will be really bad. might return 70. highlighted might say 104. then u deselect it and select it again and it might be 70 again. that is real bad fluctuation. 
every time I have done this, browsing servers. You find good stable servers. Hard to find when its 49/50 players and server up time is 3 hours and 20 minutes... lol 

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Hard to find when its 49/50 players and server up time is 3 hours and 20 minutes... lol


I normally play on 30, maximum 40 people servers (except for exp. of course), and they seem to run WAY better regarding desync and lag,

also, you barely notice the difference regarding the amount of people you meet


if 50 or 30 players, the only players i usually meet are at medium/high loot areas (NWAF, Veresnik, camp west of zeleno, zeleno, southeast zeleno, green mountain...)

or at the coast, so since i don't want to be involved in automatic assault rifle fire all the time, i usually stick to the coast if i feel lucky or run around aimlessly in the center of chernarus

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