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Mod dont load witz Custom PBO Mod Files

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Hello guys,

Im New to this forum but i played dayz since it Domes out.

Now i find interest in change the things of the mod inside the mod files just for personal interest and learning effect.

But after edited and studies the sourcecode i want to pack the stuff again in the pbo packages, but equal what Programm i usw to pack my files, the engine always cant find some files...

The Server crashes after i try to connect with a missing file message.

And My game tell me in the Main menu that the file "loadingscreen.paa" is missing...

But if i open the pbo files manually all the missing files exists...

What do i wrong could any body tell me?

Greets r3booz

PS: sorry for my Bad english im from germany :)

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Yeah i deleted all the bisign files and the Server is dedicated and works with the same files like the client.

But i dont delete the Keys in the Keys folder... Maybe this is the Problem?

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Additional Info:

I worked with the stable source code Form github

And with BI Tools BinPBO

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Solved the Problem after some deep web search and much More different problems:

Pack the file with the filebank.exe out of the binpbo directory.

If you use other 3party pbo tools like pbomanager etc, dssignfile throw errors like "cannot get hash".

Then sign all files with a New key (manually with dssignfile or some other software) replace the original dayz key in "Keys" and the same on the Server side and you are finished :)

hope i can help some other who have the same Problem.

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Important too:

Make sure that you set the property prefix correct and fitting to the pbo file (with a Parameter in filebank):

-property prefix=z\...

You can take the prefix out of the original pbo file if open it with pbo manager and click in the menu point propertys.

Otherwise it will tell you that some files are missing.

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