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A fix for those who have FPS issues and or Mouse lag

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I've been playing this series since Flashpoint days. Yes, the engine has it's issues.

Seeing as their are a incredibly huge spike in players due to this fantastic mod, thought i'd throw out a few fixes that dramatically improve fps, and make your game play experience much better. If you're like me, your first impression was unsatisfactory. You were met with either incredible lag when playing all but the most simple missions, your mouse felt like it was attached to your gun via rubber band, and overall you found the game unplayable.

FPS lag fix:

Step 1: Go into your "My Documents" folder.

Step 2: Open "ArmA 2" folder.

Step 3: Look for the following lines in ArmA2.cfg, ArmA2OA.cfg, and any other ArmA versions you have.



Step 4: Change them to:



Profit. This should dramatically help your FPS lag. Now for the mouse lag.

Mouse lag fix:

Step 1: Open ArmA 2.

Step 2: Open your control settings for whatever profile you use.

Step 3: Drag mouse smoothing to zero.

(you know how long it took me to realize that this option was their, and I had the game for a long time! I thought it was just part of the game and had to deal with it. What a difference! Much more enjoyable!!!)

Oh, and one more thing. This will further help FPS and especially help if you're hosting a game which is CPU intensive. Got more than one CPU on your computer? Probably. Most computers do today.

CPU resource increase:

Step 1: Go into the Steam library (or the shortcut you use to launch ArmA 2 if you're not using steam).

Step 2: Right click on shortcut, Open properties, then launch options (or just properties if it's a shortcut).

Step 3: Add the following line to the launch options (or shortcut path):

-CpuCount=# (with # corresponding to the number of CPUs you have or want to use for ArmA. I have a six cores, so I put 6.)

...and that's it. Right off the bat you'll notice a huge increase, and the game will feel a lot more playable.

Enjoy! See you in game. My name is 'Jason' in-game, so if you happen to run into me, I am friendly! Hope you guys will spare me, and I will spare you. Any hostility and we'll have ourselves a western shootout. :)

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You're welcome. Hoping it gets out, and helps as many people as possible. I was extremely frustrated about to give up. No matter what settings I used low, or max, it was all exactly the same. Every other game I can play maxed out, no issues.

Good luck to him!

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I'm pretty sure that arma used to not properly detect CPU count, and that one of the patches along the way has corrected this. One of the devs said so in an interview about dayz recently. I dont think that step is necessary.

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You may be correct. Either way, the first thing i mentioned helps a ton. Doesn't hurt to try either, you never know.

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Yep, right click and open with and select notepad. Be sure to save it too :)

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I'm pretty sure that arma used to not properly detect CPU count' date=' and that one of the patches along the way has corrected this. One of the devs said so in an interview about dayz recently. I dont think that step is necessary.


Correct. Dwarden (BI Dev) says:


He also says though that with 6cores it still detects as a quad so its better to use -cpucount=6 for 6core:


I didn't read anymore than that. So it might even detect 6core now. Just something I ran into earlier and remember seeing it. So I thought I post it. :P

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Thank you all for clarifying that. :)

So, has anyone yet to try it?

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Thanks so much for these suggestions, suffering from exactly both those things.

Edit- just went ingame after fixing the things you suggested, and am 100% free of FPS and mouse lag. THANK YOU!

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HOT DAMN!!!!!! That really really helped my game smoothness. I can aim much more precisely now. Thanks fo rthe tip.

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Isn't this the same as setting Pre-Rendered Frames to 0 under your video card control panel? I read somewhere that it can actually cause your performance to become worse in situations where you legitimately have low FPS, so I never tried messing with it even though most ARMA 2 optimization guides suggest it.

On the subject of mouse lag, disabling smoothing will definitely help with that. However after having played ARMA 2 with it on for a while, I'm one of the weird people that actually kind of prefers it now... you get used to aiming with it, and it feels much easier to maneuver with it turned up somewhat. Trying to do a 180 to check behind me with 0 smoothing feels like it takes a half hour.

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Well, for me, the fps improved DRAMATICALLY in every single situation.

I hate any smoothing or acceleration with a passion. Being a avid FPS fan, it makes it so incredibly annoying to me... it's like you move the mouse a inch and it just keeps going!

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Just a bump to get the word out :) hopefully it'll help more people.

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Very few useful posts out there. Good job TC.

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This helped. Main thing was switching until I found a good server. FRAPS had me at around 20-25 FPS regardless of video settings, and the game was pretty playable (even on 10 FPS it felt okayyy), but it's frustrating because in single player I can get 40+ FPS no problem.

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A bump for all the newcomers to the mod! Hope it helps you all!

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Well I'll be, the config editing actually made my FPS better (already was good, but in Arma 2, you need every frame you can get)

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