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The Zombie Games Part 1 (0.58 Horde)

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On 0.58 Experimental they tested the zombie hordes, (youll see they run smooth most of the time) so me and a friend Omni decided to have some games. this is the first of a 4 part upload playing with the z's





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we did alot of shooting to attract them also brought them down from the flats behind.

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Either players shouldn't be able to run indefinitely, or zeds should run faster.

 Players shouldn't be able to simply outrun a train of zombies.

Edited by ScramUK

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Either players shouldn't be able to run indefinitely, or zeds should run faster.

 Players shouldn't be able to simply outrun a train of zombies.

zombies are slow it how they have always been

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zombies are slow it how they have always been



In the DayZ mod I had to break line of sight to get the buggers off my tail. That generally meant running circles around some object until the zed couldn't track me anymore or running through some foliage and hit the dirt. Zed would lose sight and amble to past my last known location, while I crawled away. It was engaging.

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They will never get fast zombies to balance out right . The engine is just too limited . 
As I have been saying since the beginning . Walkers are far easier to create, Far simpler to reduce player movement speeds and ammo supplies to balance out threat levels. 
Large hordes of fast moving , animated , clothed, textured ai will always result in lag and glitching . 


Game would be far better off with ( someday) large herds of slow walking zombies, slowing over whelming solo survivors . 

Looting areas with high populations of infected should require planing and team work. 


The slower they are , the less animated, the less detailed , the higher the spawn count can become . 

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