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Stun Gun

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Hello, I think that a Stun Gun should be implemented into the Standalone. The stun gun would be an uncommon item. It would be found at police stations,police car crashes and general military barracks. It would look like the X26, but can be based off of any. I don't know if the Russian M.P or police have a certain one they use. Effects: Once a player is shot with this they would get the "I'm in extreme pain" status, and a new "I can't move" status. This would also add an Overlay screen effect. The overlay would be a Distorted Blurry transparent grayness over the victim's screen, with intense motion blur. The player would also be instantly incapacitated with the default unconscious animation. The player would also be forced into first person when shot. The player would also have some light bleeding. If the player gets hit in the head with the taser probe he would go instantly unconscious for a minimum of 10 seconds. Worse effects: If the player is of poor health AKA: Low blood, sick, In extreme pain" They have a chance of death, or severe unconsciousness. Time effective: 20 to 30 seconds. It really would depend on health and where the victim was shot. Ammunition: Cartridge, it would spawn in the same areas as the stun gun itself does. Range: It would be effective up to 10 or so feet. Last: While a player is incapacitated he may be looted and interacted with, Given rags, injected, ect. What do you think? I'm sure i've probably left something out so let me know what you think should be added in the replies! Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion. Have a great day! -Billnyetherussianspy


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Pretty sure this a tranq darts were confirmed and coming out soon..

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Im leaning more towards tranq darts. Why?



Because you can be 10x more of a dick with them. You could have the standard "Hey, knock him out!" dart, or tip it with infected blood, your blood, alcohol, shit, I could go on.



Be a jackass, prefer the dart more :) 

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Yeah I saw a video with both the darts and the stun gun being talked about in them, thought they were confirmed?

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Yeah I saw a video with both the darts and the stun gun being talked about in them, thought they were confirmed?

Do you think you could link me to the video? If you can, thanks!

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Im leaning more towards tranq darts. Why?



Because you can be 10x more of a dick with them. You could have the standard "Hey, knock him out!" dart, or tip it with infected blood, your blood, alcohol, shit, I could go on.



Be a jackass, prefer the dart more :)

I was thinking they could add both, is it exactly practical? No. But is it realistic due to the story behind it? Yes. The military are camping out there. The military has military police. The police them selves carry stun guns.

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