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xX_fr0st-w0lf_Xx (DayZ)

The easiest and most fair way to solve disconnecting problem

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As we all know there are countless threads about this issue and how it has become one of the most major problems. People will disconnect to get away from agro zombies, not lose gear and to move behind you to kill you. There are some solutions that will fix the majority of these problems and is fair and easy to implement.

1) Make it that when you disconnect you body stays in game for 45 seconds. In that time zombies and players would be able to kill you and take your loot. Perfect for disconnecters who try to get away from agro zombies to keep their gear, in 45 seconds zombies will pretty much be able to kill you for doing that

2) Make it so you cant rejoin the server you were in for 15 minutes. Lets say your in a server you see a sniper and feel like disconnecting moving behind him and killing him. You disconnect go on a empty server to get behind him but now you cant rejoin the previous server for 15 minutes. Once the timer expires you may rejoin. This will surely fix that problem

3) Once you die you body will not leave the server with you. This way you may loot the body of the dead guy even after he disconnects.

I wont lie, these will not fix all problems related to disconnecting and server hoppers but at least it will make things better then they are right now. Post what you think

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People are gonna come in here screaming that the 'Suggestions Server' is that-a-way.

As for the pussies that DC, rockets working on that issue.

The best part is that a bunch of the pussies that DC are the same ones that call people carebears for getting mad at dying. Then there are the truly hardcore players, few of you guys still around here. Taking it like men and shaking your heads in shame.

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Dying sucks, but it's really retarded to d/c to avoid it. My buddy does it and I just sigh.

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And what about people who get disconnected against their will? I'm in the UK and have Sky Broadband, and even on a 10mb connection it sometimes times out around 12 - 2am (I can't always play earlier than that due to other things). I think not all connections are fair enough to allow that, but maybe as a setting that SOME servers can use?

For example if people who disconnect annoy you, then join one of the servers with a similar system to what you suggest in place, can place in peace that people who try to disconnect will be punished, but also players who suffer from somewhat random Internet outages can play on servers that don't penalise for it.

I think there Is no simple way to fix this problem, but there are many ways to approach it.

tl;dr - Make the disconnect 45 second thing an option, to make it "fair"

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Yeah, the 15 min no rejoin thing wouldn't work for me either. I've got infants at home, sometimes I've got to step away for a min or two...

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This is cruel, keeping a player in the game after they've disconnected. What if somebody is running around a city and loses connection then they rejoin to find they were killed and have to make a new character. This also goes for people who are just exiting the game.

P.S. I'm not a disconnecter.

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Yeah' date=' the 15 min no rejoin thing wouldn't work for me either. I've got infants at home, sometimes I've got to step away for a min or two...


Well, you should be prepared for the worst. It's not likely that whatever system is eventually implemented will be elegant and free of downsides. It's much more likely to be a pain in the ass and leave many of us pissed off from time to time. It's a bit of a brute force problem and odds are that it's going to take a brute force solution.

Just my opinion of course....I'd be more than happy to be wrong about any of this.

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Agreed on all points. Would certainly deal with the worst DC behaviours.

Yeah' date=' the 15 min no rejoin thing wouldn't work for me either. I've got infants at home, sometimes I've got to step away for a min or two...


It's just the same Server, you can hop to a different Server as fast as your PC is able.

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Honestly, I'd rather see the 45 sec thingy then nothing, disconnecting and losing items is never a good thing, but compared to what the game is now, i'd take that change in any time. Currently when ur being shot, you just alt f4 and your safe, it's pretty ridiculous compared to maybe a random internet connection loss that gets u killed. If you do suffer disconnects 24/7 then ur net obviously sucks. Like ^ said, there are no perfect solutions to something like this.

Btw - The 45 is long, it should be something along the lines of 10 seconds max, enough to break your legs, get u bleeding, losing health or being shot while being in danger. For those that do have to go afk & d/c, there's a slighter chance to die, or those who randomly d/c.

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This is cruel' date=' keeping a player in the game after they've disconnected. What if somebody is running around a city and loses connection then they rejoin to find they were killed and have to make a new character. This also goes for people who are just exiting the game.

P.S. I'm not a disconnecter.



I'd say you are.

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