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Help out a noob?

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Hi, I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there willing to help me out?

First my sob story, skip this if you don't have the time. I'm a small youtube commentator and DayZ is more or less my first entry into PC gaming videos. My current series is meant to document my first life in the zombie apocalypse, I played for almost 3 hours last night and got some good clips so if I died now I'd still be satisfied, yet I want to live. Last night as I was gaining confidence I ventured into the residential district of an unknown city, unsurprisingly I was overwhelmed and spent all of my ammo before a few zombies broke my leg. Lacking morphine I crawled to safety armed with only a hatchet, I then logged off and now here I am.

So the first issue I have is I don't know where I am, my best guess is somewhere east or northeast perhaps near the coast, however I never found a map or compass. I took a screenshot of the area and posted it on twitter but got no help. If someone can identify my location and point me toward a hospital (or somewhere else nearby to find morphine) I would be very grateful.

Secondly, I'm ill equipped and wounded, if anyone were willing to mount a rescue mission and maybe let a noob tag along on their journeys, I would be delighted. I don't have much loot to barter with beyond a few sodas and some ammo for guns I don't have, but you do get to be the hero in my little series.

I was planning on logging in to DayZ tonight after dinner, so time is of the essence.

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Read a road sign, check a map via Internet.

Read your location when you spawn in.

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Read a road sign' date=' check a map via Internet.

Read your location when you spawn in.


Primarily this. The roadsigns are going to be in straight russian so be aware.

http://dayzdb.com/map#4.053.116 <--Godsend. Frankly 1000x better than the ingame map.

And I'd love to assist but currently I'd be in a worse situation than yourself.. >.<

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Judging from the screenshot you're in Berezino. I'd be willing to help you out if you could either...

Add me on Steam, my steam name is Senrain.


Add me on Skype, my skype name is Senrain_Stalke


Join the teamspeak channel I usually hang out in, the address is www.projectdizzy.com (Port: 9987)

Use any of these methods to contact me and I'll see if I can lend a helping hand.

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Judging from the screenshot you're in Berezino. I'd be willing to help you out if you could either...

Add me on Steam' date=' my steam name is Senrain.


Add me on Skype, my skype name is Senrain_Stalke


Join the teamspeak channel I usually hang out in, the address is www.projectdizzy.com (Port: 9987)

Use any of these methods to contact me and I'll see if I can lend a helping hand.


I added you on steam, I'm still new to all this PC gaming stuff and I don't really know how to use steam chat though, I also have TS3 and Skype (though I don't know much about TS3 either) if one of those works better. According to the map (BTW thanks Tureilim) I think I'm fairly close to the hospital if I am indeed in Berezino.

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Thanks everyone for the assistance but it's over now. I managed to crawl to the hospital and fix myself up, however on my way out of town I decided to investigate a few barns where a shootout with another survivor ended it. It should make an entertaining series though if anyone cares to watch, it can be found on my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/StickyNinjaz/featured

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If you want a group to play with send me a message, we have a good group of 5 that's all really friendly. We grouped during my first ever game and been playing together since.

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