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DayZ Downloads Unreliable

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I don't even know how to download since I'm new, so the first thing I did was follow instructions on some DayZ wiki. I wanted to play eEoch and here are my following actions. Said to download DayZ but that didn't work at all and had to delete ads as well, it didn't worked because the servers I joined all had addon which the download didn't contain. I looked up a different site and downloaded manually BUT all the links were bad. They were on some official Dayz Epoch with arma 2 downloads. And I only had 2 UN-verified content on arma 2 oa, I HAD Administrator open. I join server, and it said stuff like, you cannot edit, your key is not accepted, dependent on download and what the fuck does that mean lol? So demanding of making everything right. So basically, manual download is fucked and I wasted like 20gb on crappy downloads so I deleted and decided to start over. 


I downloaded DayzLauncher, oh and you know what was the best thing? If you pause download in the midst, it will think you installed the mod and you have to download again. At 50kbs. Fucking hell! 


Is there anyway to download DayZ, without Dayz Launcher?


Like a proper guide of how to download Dayz and Mods 2014-15, no bullshit? And not a guide to fuck your computer? Saying crap like, reinstall, reinstall, reinstall, the only time you would reinstall is when the game is modified so you can't change it. When you could've surgically change or delete those files itself, and I find this suggestion on most forums. And sometimes, people just look into the wrong things, all the time. You see it all the time, for example 'Go to your files and delete it itself' did you run admin, verify', I said my downloaded files are just crap full of every list of outdated crap. Obviously you should leave your files so someone can check it, list of files. 


Biggest problem is, manual download is like I said a total waste of time. Nothing works, you won't get to play and it wastes space. The problem isn't the date people, it's where you get your downloads which matters to noobs like me. Official site-epoch does not work. And no I don't really think about anything but being pissed off about games, being such a hassle to just start.


Sidenote, I can't play any singleplayer operations except of ION (Private military company one). Probably because of all the crap I downloaded with expansions.


So, any suggestions on how to download DayZ? Ask any questions beforehand if you want, I should be checked with a checklist if you think so. 


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This is the DayZ SA  Forum section, for your information.

Did you take the time to browse the DayZ Mod troubleshooting forum ?

No, well I'll just move you over....


Go to Steam, download and run the game (ArmA2/OA and then download the Mod.


Moved to correct Forum.


Note ↓

         This is the Official DayZ Mod forum and as such we do not give any technical support concerning Epoch/Overpoch or any of the various and diverse modifications.

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The DayZ servers tells me list of downloads I don't have, sometimes it's different buildings, community assets, Dayz weapons. And I tried putting the @DAYZ, DAYZ_Epoch_Servers, DAYZ_Epoch into my addons folder more recently but it really did nothing. So I thought maybe it's the site's fault, I got everything downloaded officially and just left them in operation arrow point file (Program Files (x86)>Steam>Steamapps>Common>Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead). This goes for at least 10 servers including DayZ Epoch and only one DayzMod.


I also had a file, the sauerland.pbo being verified as false to the system. What causes that, I think it's probably because it wasn't downloaded fully or correctly. And I need to know if I should just use DayZ Launcher since most people would say to download it. It takes way too long, and my PC freezes sometimes causing corrupted data in the download so the benefit of just downloading manually should be greater. My issues are told, that I can't play DayZ and it's mods because, I do but the game says I don't have the dependable downloads for DayZ and Epoch. I looked at many other people's dependable on download problems but an example.


There should be a variable than launching all this as well:


Arma 2

British Armed Forces (Lite)

Private Military Company (Lite)

Arma 2

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Dayz Epoch


This was my downloads, and my computer ran out of space.......

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Contact epoch support forums they should be able to help you out.

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