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Arma2's big rise to the top.

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If you haven't noticed already. Currently ArmA II: CO is at the top of the sales charts of steam store, thanks to you good people of Dayz :)

Inevitably this will force steam to put some sort of sale on to increase profits.

Just wondering if the Dayz team are ready for the MASSIVE influx of players when this happens?

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Well, I know I'm gunna buy as soon as a sale crops up. I'm willing to bet that a lot of others will as well.

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Congrats on taking an old game back up to top of steam sales :D

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If i had to take bets, i would bet that ARMA won't go on sale until DAY Z hits beta. Or is fully released. It would make more sense. Besides, they want to get as many people to pay full price for their game as humanly possible before doing a sale.

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If i had to take bets' date=' i would bet that ARMA won't go on sale until DAY Z hits beta. Or is fully released. It would make more sense. Besides, they want to get as many people to pay full price for their game as humanly possible before doing a sale.


Likely that it will go on sale during the Steam summer sale.

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Even if i have nothing against Diablo 3, Arma 2 CO being number one in steam the day D3 comes out, even if it's not really related, makes me have faith in the world again.

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I considered waiting for a sale, but my impatience took over and I bought CO for £25 on Steam. The best £25 I've spent in a while, not only for DayZ, but for the awesomeness that is Arma II <3

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This is more than awesome. Forgive me for saying this, but I see this mod as a GIGANTIC MIDDLE FINGER raised to all those greedy publishers out there who won't allow modding because they want to sell mooooar DLC.

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You can roughly estimate how much it is selling by watching the number of unique players on the main page. I think it was 15-18 thousand when I checked a week or so ago now its over 40 thousand. I have no idea what percentage bought the game for the mod but given it's position on steam I think dayz probably sold at least 10-20 thousand copies of Arma 2 the last week or so.

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If it gets put on sale I will cry, and then send Gabe Newell an empty can of beans.

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Something tells me Gabe's probably got plenty of empty cans of beans.

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Something tells me Gabe's probably got plenty of empty cans of beans.

*Spits beans all over the campfire* Bwaahahahaha.... +Rep for that one!

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I want to know what reaction rocket has had at work, if any.

This kinda stuff interests me.

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Something tells me Gabe's probably got plenty of empty cans of beans.

Ahahah, that was great, well played.

I wish all the investors/producers/developers that turned rocket down about the DAYZ concept would see that. A mod placing an old ass game on the top list of the steam sales while its not even on sale.

These clowns are probably oblivious to it anyway and wouldn't aknownledge it. Too bad.

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I can only imagine Bohemia Interactive are thoroughly delighted at this unexpected turn of events - to see ArmA II suddenly rise to the top of the Steam Best Seller list (still there as I write) at the tail-end of its life must be astounding, especially considering BI haven't had to spend a single dime on extra marketing. Rocket deserves so much credit for this. I hope BI have the good manners to show their appreciation to him and his team.

As others have said: I hope publishers take note of this mod's proven ability to drive sales. Gamers are looking for great ideas which chime in with their aspirations. By riding on the back of ArmA II's fantastic game engine, DayZ has delivered an experience more 'Walking Dead' than any zombie title to date - and one that clearly resonates with thousands of enthusiastic gamers who immediately recognise that this just feels 'right' for the genre.

If BI have any financial sense they'll be thinking about how to incorporate a fully-funded version of DayZ into their ArmA III plans. For any developer/publisher, birthing a new franchise is almost always an expensive, highly risky venture. DayZ just dropped into their lap - just how lucky can one company be?

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I truely hope they are aware its DAYZ that bringed all these sales and not their ARMA 3 advertising.

Another thing concerning developers. Many of these morons think that PC gaming is dead and its on consoles thats where its at. Many of them dont release modding tools because of that. Others cry at pirates that doesn't pay for the game.

Thing is, people WILL buy your game if it have a good multiplayer. Kinda hard to pirate when multi get updated once in a while.

Thing is, mods can generate sales, as we are witnessing right here.

And finaly, thing is, PC gaming its where its at, consoles are the bane of gaming.

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Pirst fost.

As a proud member of the PC master race, I would just like to say I agree with everything being said in this thread and I am thrilled that my purchase of Combined Ops yesterday helped push the franchise to the top.

Now let's start working on increasing the rack space so more people can enjoy this fantastic creation. lol

I'll be playing ARMA for the next few days to learn the game and its mechanics before jumping into the bloodbath here. It looks really good so far. Why the hell didn't I buy this years ago?!

Best of luck with increasing hosts and server capacity. I can't wait to experience this scenario. Congratulations to Rocket, the dev team, and all the fans who support this game and mod. I hope all the publishers are taking a serious look at this phenomenon and it factors into future decisions regarding the state of PC gaming releases (which ultimately, should be about delivering the highest possible quality in the industry while simultaneously meeting and exceeding customer expectations).

Also, gaben is a fatty mcfatcakes.

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If it gets put on sale I will cry' date=' and then send Gabe Newell an empty can of beans.


Wait, Steam picks when things go on sale?

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i am also one who got it for dayZ. i only had arma 2 before :D

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If it gets put on sale I will cry' date=' and then send Gabe Newell an empty can of beans.


Wait, Steam picks when things go on sale?

Yes and no. Steam can force games to go on sale. They do this for strategic reasons, like during the christmas sales, to boost the reputation of Steam. But the game devs may also decide themselves to go on a sale during other periods of the year.

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