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rocker (DayZ)

everyday im De-syncin'

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hey guys first post here so be nice! :)

just wondering if anyone is having the horrific de syncing problems. its almost impossible to play with friends in game now. due to the fact one of us tends to disappear for 2 minutes then reappear 200 meters away...


my friend killed a zombie as i was de syncing.. the same zombie managed to make me bleed and break my legs then i died.

pretty good.



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Yeah, they've buggered the Hive up big time. Just wait it out, tomorrow's probably your best bet at resuming normal gameplay.

On the other hand, I had a nice, and lucky kill today due to desync. Someone stole the stuff out of my bag, then due to desync was froze to the spot so I managed to kill him and retrieve double loot! Woo!

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Same here.

Couldn't see where my mate was, on my screen he was stuck in a tree, he said he was walking right next to me on his screen. Then he teleported like 100m back where he came from, lol.. it was too much of a risk to play as I wouldn't even know if I shoot him in the face. PvE? Very risky. PvP? LoL, impossible.

Wondering if this is still related to the DDoSing of today.. but servers seem to lag like hell, theres massive desyncing atm.

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