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This is one of our TOG player profile compilation videos featuring Yam.  Most of the time, Yam has excellent instincts about when to rush someone.  Check out these kills for reference!


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most players panic (to some degree) and when rushed, just makes it worse - not enough time to react.

ive killed my fair share of rushers against me though, somehow. but id rather be on the rushing end, higher success rate ive noticed.


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most players panic (to some degree) and when rushed, just makes it worse - not enough time to react.

ive killed my fair share of rushers against me though, somehow. but id rather be on the rushing end, higher success rate ive noticed.


Indeed!  I have over 1500 hours in DayZ and I still lack the instincts to know when to rush.  I always try and let the enemy make the mistake.  Yam has a knack of knowing exactly when to move in with little information and he almost always comes out on top when he rushes in.

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