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CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

Ropes on rifles before it can be holstered.

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To add more realism in the game, the rope should be a necessary item to be tied on any rifle before it can be holstered on the shoulders like a rifle sling. Without it, you will be forced to carry them by hand and drop them on the ground when you need to use your hands for other things.


Think of a scenario where you catch someone off guard because he drops his weapon to do his thing and you have the advantage.


This way, handguns and sawed off weapons as a backup weapon becomes a much bigger necessity.


Might as well add a real rifle sling in the loot table.

Edited by CGNoodlePot
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To add more realism in the game, the rope should be a necessary item to be tied on any rifle before it can be holstered on the shoulders like a rifle sling. Without it, you will be forced to carry them by hand and drop them on the ground when you need to use your hands for other things.


Think of a scenario where you catch someone off guard because he drops his weapon to do his thing and you have the advantage.


This way, handguns and sawed off weapons as a backup weapon becomes a much bigger necessity.


Might as well add a real rifle sling in the loot table.

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I agree, magic weapon slots should not be in the game. However, I remember one of the devs saying that they were planning to keep this system as it is (I can't seem to find the source again, so don't quote me on that).

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