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lt dan

How to make g36c sd?

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Is it possible to add an attachment to a g36c to create this gun?


I found a 5.56mm suppressor but it didn't work :(

Edited by lt dan

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It should be possible unless you somehow ended up with a G36C with the wrong class name. Did you find this gun after the 1.8.6 patch? You may want to contact the server admin to have a look.

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I have seen g36k sd. I'll try again when I find a new one, I found the g36c that didn't work in a stash so it could have been from before the patch.

Edited by lt dan

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Well I've got a G36C and it doesn't have the optics, maybe I was thinking of a different model. G36A (camo) has the dual optics, as well as the G36K.


I was able to attach the 5.56mm suppressor on the G36C, and I do like it.. but it doesn't have the optics I thought I remembered.

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I've found a G36A (camo) at a crash site just minutes ago, and it does not accept a 5.56 suppressor :(

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