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Serious bandits

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So me and my friends got some cars to hide and we decided to stock with food and plan our next move at the beginning of Debug area... When one unarmed survivor appeared off the coast and jumped in our car. We was in shock for a few seconds as he drove past us but then the shots followed and he was dead. We went to investigate when... We heard our other car engine turned on and it's gone to the coast area with roar and a cloud of dust. Since first guy distracted us enough his partner was able to sneak past the tree line to other car, grab some gear (sadly this car was stocked with medicine) and hit the road way ahead. I was forced to shot car's wheel with my M14 then finish off unarmed dude. But... At that moment I really wished him best of luck. He almost made it.

To the unknown badass guys. This was a bold move and I admire your ruthlessness! Really. That. Was. Awesome!

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Ah i had a similar experience where i was sorting through equipment in our truck and some noob tryed to make off on my bike i blew his brains out but he had nothing on him i spun around to see another noob making off in my truck unfortunately for him my friend was on a nearby hill with a sniper rifle and he didn't get far. But guys if you're reading this nice try guys that was pretty kick ass

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