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Losing all my items -_-

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Hey everyone...
First when i open the game i got crashed with that Error ( L'instruction à "0x********" emploie l'adresse mémoire "0x00000000". La mémoire ne peut pas être 'read')
Then i join again and everything is fine, i played for 4 hours without any problem, then boom, i lost connection, when i try to rejoin again in the same server i found my self like a new player, no guns, no items, no stuff, no thing -_- and iam sure i join the same server... any one can give me solution for this, because i dont want to play again and the same thing will happen -_- (sorry for my bad english)

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You should check in Documents / My Docs / DayZ / name :

scroll down until you find :


lastMPServer="server ip N° here";
lastMPServerName=" -=server name here: ";
You can then enter the server ip from the REMOTE tab in the game server browser.
If this still reoccurs then the server is not an official server or is not connected to the central hive for one reason or another.
Give me the server ip and I will check to see if there is a problem.

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Yesterday i got problem with losing items when join in the same server... today i got this really annoying problem  >:(  >:( 
Some one following me in game trying to kill me, But I reversed situation for me and I became who I want to kill him... i Successful take him down with just a gun..For me this is a big success Because it has the most powerful weapon, So when i try ti get his backpack i craaashhed with no error, just windows sound then the game closed -_- when i quickly join again He returned to consciousness and he kill me because i got freezing when i join the server like every time -_- 

Before you guys updating the game and adding new unuseful thing, fix your game bugs and freezing .... i have r9 280x and i got loww performance >:(  fix the game guys, just fix it... 

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Internet connection is important, as is the location of the server you play on.

I asked you to send me the server ip, please do so.

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