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Constant synchronization / teleporting going to be fixed or?

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So, i don't presume to know -exactly- whats happening... But at a guess i'd say the game is constantly tracking your position,  and updating the 'hive' or central database with it,  also contacting that to get information on local spawns... etc.



The problem i 'feel'  when playing is it happens so frequently and when there is some discrepancy you... actually getting teleported about a few feet or whatever...  Or,  you rotate slightly but the server 'resets' you to where you were looking a minute ago...   Or you're searching a house and suddenly you get moved back to the room you were checking a few minutes ago.


Whilst i understand in some areas the game has to take away the players control in order to enforce some sort of  delay for balancing:

-  switching items

- reloading

- blah



But is this going to be fixed?  or is this 'the system'  now and it's basically finished? 

I'd love to hear an official response on this tbh....

...Because as i understand it this 'new system'  is  bespoke for SA, and as much as i can see why the devs might feel it necessary to have it controlled like an MMO, you really should try playing outside of a LAN environment because the constant teleporting combined with the 'arma engine'  controls of driving-a-soldier ( opposed to the 'feel' of say, counterstrike or Bf4 ) i mean it's not only frustrating to play constantly teleporting about but it breaks immersion and i imagine it would get you killed a lot ingame...



I just hope they are still working on it and there is going to be a -massive- improvement on the delay between client and server otherwise they've basically fucked themselves by shoehorning in this MMO type architecture which clearly makes the game unplayable.  (for me anyway)



And i guess i'd love to hear from anyone who doesn't experience this lol...

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Played Experimental lately?

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  On 6/9/2015 at 8:29 AM, Rags said:

Played Experimental lately?




Edited by lolpancakes

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  On 6/9/2015 at 8:33 AM, lolpancakes said:



You mean you don't know?

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  On 6/9/2015 at 8:49 AM, Rags said:

You mean you don't know?



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Are you actually alluding to something ontopic or just trolling? :)


Because no, i haven't played experimental in about a week or so...  Or really looked at these forums in a few weeks

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Cool.. loaded up experimental,  made a new character...

loaded in, got teleported about a few feet... thought hmpf... 



started running to cherno... CTD with no error message.

massive improvement.  xD

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  On 6/9/2015 at 8:26 AM, lolpancakes said:

But is this going to be fixed?  or is this 'the system'  now and it's basically finished? 

Basically nothing is finished/finalized :) Work continues on network/connection issues as well throughout the dev. cycle.

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  On 6/9/2015 at 10:53 AM, lolpancakes said:

Cool.. loaded up experimental,  made a new character...

loaded in, got teleported about a few feet... thought hmpf... 



started running to cherno... CTD with no error message.

massive improvement.  xD


i usually get 1-2 roll-back within the 1st minute of play, and something like 1 roll-back every 2-3 hours then. so yes, this his a big improvement, looking back at 0.55.


try playing more than 5 minutes before giving your verdict ;)

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  On 6/9/2015 at 11:56 AM, Zboub le météor said:

try playing more than 5 minutes before giving your verdict ;)


Try reading comprehension,  it's a little hard to 'play more than 5 minutes'  when you CTD with no error messages literally every 15-30 seconds... ;)


Thankfully (since i immediately posted the issue on the bugtracker *pats self on back*  ) the issue has been acknowledged, so when it's fixed.. I will resume playing.

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  On 6/9/2015 at 11:44 AM, SMoss said:

Basically nothing is finished/finalized :) Work continues on network/connection issues as well throughout the dev. cycle.


Cool, i only raised the issue because it might not be as transparent in a LAN environment, which i assume is where a lot of the in-house playtesting gets done...


It's not so much a 'game breaking issue'  for me,  but its just one of those things that makes the game 'feel' bad.  and it used to be much more noticeable on 'laggy' servers...  It was also not present in the mod and it seems to me, to be very much a product of client-server architecture.


Also, since the loot spawns have been turned down (off completely?), and there are no zombies that I've noticed...

That in itself would surely contribute to there being less 'positional lag'  --  So I'd be interested to see whether there is still this 'big improvement'  when the loot and zombies and vehicles are all turned back on in full force...


...Because basic player movement should really be quite a high priority when playing a first person shooter [captain obvious much?] .... It certainly shouldn't be nauseating trying to move about the world,  the server should never 'take control' of my character and move it around without my input.


I hope I'm being clear enough,  since it worries me when this is described as a 'connection issue'

Edited by lolpancakes

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I think I understand what you mean, and you mentioned LAN in the first post so I went with the "network/connection issue" label.

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cool, i'm sure you guys are on the ball :)


Again though, to be certain we're speaking of the same thing, i went with LAN because obviously the delay between announcing your position and receiving acknowledgement/validation from the server would be much less pronounced in a LAN environment due to the almost non-existent delay you would experience due to the obviously much shorter distance to the server(s).  [game server and database server]



Comparing that to someone connecting remotely, the 'feel' of being constantly moved-about a few feet every few minutes or so really detracts from feeling like you are in control... Also, i can't fathom why it's being implemented this way at all...  


I understand there should be some sort of validation with the central hive concerning player movement/position being logged for the purpose of tracking cheats and what-not...

...But i don't see why my position should keep getting constantly overwritten by some remote value, especially with such delay and error... 


Surely its enough to just log people doing things they can't possibly do, then flag them, then delay-ban them...  ?




I'm sure there's some benefit in the chosen implementation...    I just hope this is not the solution to 'cheaters' for example,  that actually ends up making the core-gameplay much worse feeling. 

I mean, people complained about arma controls 'feeling' sluggish since it's release in vanilla.. -- But in Arma2, i never had to worry about 'am i standing where my client is showing me standing'  for example, except maybe in rare instances of extreme desync.  And even then...  You and the world were still represented quite well,  just instances of other players on your client were off.. then when you re-sync'd,  everything went back to normal...


I would hope trying to improve things to negate the already sluggish controls would be a high priority instead of introducing things that infact make it worse.  [ I'm not talking about optimizing, im talking about the core 'gameplay'  --  character controls / feedback ].




I should never have to question/guesstimate my own position in a game where positioning is such an important tactical consideration.

Example:   I  run out into a courtyard to take cover behind a vehicle during a firefight, to have the game go... 'Whoops, you're not actually behind the car in cover, you're 5ft behind that in the middle of the courtyard in the open'


In that instance, how am i supposed to know, where EXACTLY i am standing,  and what my opponent is seeing,  all this stuff is fundamental.

Edited by lolpancakes

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