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To all Vilayer LTD Customers

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Outlaw, have you tried changing it to different UTC timezones to see if that fixes it? I'm a little confused by your post, but, for example: I wanted my server at UTC -9. So I set it to UTC -9 in the config editor. Ingame, it was UTC -17, and I realized that the windows time on that server was set to UTC -8. So I set my game time to UTC -0 and now it is UTC -8 in game.

What I'm trying to say is that you might need to take account of what time the Windows time on the server is set for.

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Andb52 is correct.

The tool is not perfect. Call it an Alpha tool as well. Basically what it is doing is allowing each individual user to change the windows time on the box and attempting to save that time to the specific user. There are 6 individual users per box and all of their times rely on the clock. The unfortunate side of things was that before this, we would have to manually change the time to UTC + - whatever and EVERYONEs server would be on that time. Rocket has stated that he doesn't want people to be too favored to the light because the darkness is part of the game as well. I apologize for the inconvience.


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new version is out' date=' when u updated all servers ?

that is the old 93965

that is the new 94444




Update still not available for me...

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new version is out' date=' when u updated all servers ?

that is the old 93965

that is the new 94444




Update still not available for me...

same here...

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They'll likely bundle it with 1.7.2 sometime today.

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They'll likely bundle it with 1.7.2 sometime today.

Yes hopefully, I got no update available for me too, My client is updated and so is the Day Z mod files but if ViLAYER doesn't provide the update for the server files we going to be stuck on the loading screen.

I hope Lee applies the update fast because I hate to wait and not be able to use my server because they taking time providing the update.

P.S: Anyone with ViLAYER got the update available to them?

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I see vilayer servers with 1.7.2 running but not response to my ticket yet or update available in my server

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They will end up doing a hotfix for the update anyway so may as well wait for that...

There is one Vilayer server running 1.7.2 atm... if you just filter for vilayer in the server list

I wish they had sent the update out to server admins a day before releasing it to the players in the six launcher, that way the hosting companies could have been prepared and we could just switch over the server version at the same time the update hits all the players.

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Support is really bad so far. Made a ticket 4 days ago and still no reply.

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They will end up doing a hotfix for the update anyway so may as well wait for that...

There is one Vilayer server running 1.7.2 atm... if you just filter for vilayer in the server list

I wish they had sent the update out to server admins a day before releasing it to the players in the six launcher' date=' that way the hosting companies could have been prepared and we could just switch over the server version at the same time the update hits all the players.


Is a good thing if they did, apparently from reading this other topic on the Day Z Forums they should of send you some sort of a client layer ID so you can use that to log in and update the server files manually, but not only we don't have that we also got no word when are they going to apply the Patch.

I mean if I can get the latest server files I can try to apply the update using the control panel but there is no way around that too.

This really sucks not been able to play and having no options to do anything about it as a "Admin"

Edit: I also have a Open Ticket to ViLAYER but good luck getting an answer any time soon

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Teamspeak...go to their Teamspeak. Update being pushed soon...

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Teamspeak...go to their Teamspeak. Update being pushed soon...

Really? could please provide a bit more info? perhaps there team speak info so I can find out for myself, I would be grateful.

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As I predicted, the update is up. But it does come with an odd disclaimer:

DayZ v1.7.2 & ArmaOA94444

We've released this update in a none automated format because it contains bugs and errors. UPDATE AT YOUR OWN RISK, IF YOUR SERVER FAILS IT HAS NOTHING TODO WITH VILAYER LTD

Not Installed

[ Install ]

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Support is really bad so far. Made a ticket 4 days ago and still no reply.

You are doing something wrong, evertime i use the support i got an answer 5-10hours later, so i cant say at thing against the support.

And im so lucky that Vilayer didnt updated yet, because 1.7.2 causes server crashes every 5 min. Its easier for players to downgrade then relog every 5 min to a server. if Vilayers update the servers this night, im gonna ask for a downgrade until 1.7.2 runs perfect


Ouw wow, in this moment they released the Update, but they let me choose if i wanna install it or not, and i will wait for

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1.7.2 is buggy, so we offered the option to update instead of forcing it. Our support is on TS a lot and I'm always on skype. Don't forget we have a few workers that do DayZ but 2 are English and 1 (me :) ) is American and 1 Canadian. All of us have different schedules, but we all do our best to get things answered when they come in.

Today, due to the bugginess of the new release, we have gotten over 80 support tickets about DayZ issues (all except 2 are issues that are with DayZ not servers). So Lee posted that warning. Your best bet is TS3 (ts3.vilayer.com) or skype (lee.netarus and capecodcaper)


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Thanks Johnny! You guys are the best :-)

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