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To all Vilayer LTD Customers

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we been dished surgery' date=' alright so get another staff member to fill his work. but the one that really baffles me is a post that stated hes sorry for slow support answers due to him spending the 4th of july away camping(or w/e it was) yes ofc everyones entitled to such things but fix your MAJOR downtime first or hire someone who can.


I think you might be a tad confused here, these are two separate people. One is John (American thus celebrating the 4th) the other in (major)surgery and recovering is Lee (the boss). I say give them time and they will get it all sorted out.

I'm not annoyed that they took time off. I'm annoyed at the fact they told me it would be soon then yesterday, then today and now I don't even get a reply

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if the downtime is longer than 7days do all tents and vehicles get wiped? Or does it not count when the server is offline?

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I got a server reset yesterday and a note on the free week in PM and Skype.

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I would like the skype info or some phone number as well. This is getting really irritating.

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Vilayer boasts they are providing 8172 live servers, yes the absence of one person causes this much hassle, poor customer service, and server downtime!??

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I am just back from work, Lee and Ian got all the servers up and running while I was at work. As I said we will be giving everyone a free week on their servers. And yes you are right, we experienced this because Lee was away. None of the other staff at vilayer have to ability to purchase new hardware at the datacenters. We had so many orders on top of TCAdmin and hive issues that that was the only problem we could not fix. Buying thousands of dollars worth of servers is something Lee had to do, he did it and things are load balanced. All new servers are setup right now and I'm going through to answer all support tickets left unanswered.


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Vilayer boasts they are providing 8172 live servers' date=' yes the absence of one person causes this much hassle, poor customer service, and server downtime!??



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I just logged into Vilayer's teamspeak and I received excellent support from the Vilayer Staff. They resolved my issue with the server and it's now running perfectly! Thank you Vilayer!!!

The server runs great and I have no complaints.

Those who DO complain, it appears they're reimbursing the down time for servers. These server hosts really do go the EXTRA MILE and then some, just for you guys.

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Thanks Johnny for answering quickly.

I just logged into Vilayer's teamspeak and I received excellent support from the Vilayer Staff. They resolved my issue with the server and it's now running perfectly! Thank you Vilayer!!!

The server runs great and I have no complaints.

Those who DO complain' date=' it appears they're reimbursing the down time for servers. These server hosts really do go the EXTRA MILE and then some, just for you guys.


Wait, they have a teamspeak?

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It took quite awhile up until today, but they've got my server taken care of. Has been running steady all day.

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Hello Everyone,

First of all i wanted to say THANKS! to all our customers for being so patient over the past few days, normal operation has been resumed as of this morning.

The EU load issue has been resolved and all other setup issues are resolved.

Please note it may take a further hour to get last standing orders processed through.

I want to personally apologize for the delays and issues that plagued us for the past two days, this was definitely not intended. I am currently working on our policies and procedures to ensure this does not happen again. There is no excuse for what has happened and we hope that any customers affected will accept our generous offer to compensate them for a week of billing.

We will continue to be a driving force in the game hosting industry and we look forward to setting up more DayZ servers for future customers.

Best Regards,

Lee Benson

CEO Vilayer LTD

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Good Morning Lee,

Thanks for the update - Im afraid my server is still down.

In doesnt even appear in my ACP - Please can this be addressed ASAP ?



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My server is now up, but it doesn't appear to have a mission file anymore? I have a feeling the IP has changed aswell..

I really hope this isn't a new server and we have lost all tents and vehicles..

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Hi there Lee,

Good to hear your well again first of all, and I like to ask you a question in regards to my server.

I have already made a ticket about this problem but sadly I haven't received any answer for 48 hours so I remade a new ticket today.

Now as for my problem basically I live in the UK and I wish that my server is EU time more or less, this pretty much means that Day during Day and Night during Night. Now you guys have implemented a new "changeservertime" tool which you can use to change your time zone. However over the last days the Day Z HIVE was under DDoS attacks and servers had some issues, but now the servers are all up and running smoothly and my server time is 03:05 AM Pitch Dark and my Current time in UK as I am posting this is 07:00 AM. I spoke to a helpful person on your Online Live help and he suggested that the server time zone from the Vilayer Control panel should be set to UTC +0 and he even restarted the server for me after he made the changes to the time zone. But the problem still persist and my Game server time remains on 03:05 AM Pitch Dark, while my local time is 07:00 - 08:00 AM from the time I am posting this.

As far as I understand UTC +0 Should be 1 hour Ahead of UK time which means 7 AM UK time should be 8AM server time or something like that. I also noticed that the server time keeps jumping back every time I log off my character and log back in, like the other day it was 7PM server and I played on the server until 8:30PM server time and I reloged to the server and the time was back to like 7:30PM so it's really bugged.

As you can see this is causing a major issue for me because the people playing on my server along with me are left in the pitch dark during day time due to "changeservertime" tool not working correctly or some other problem with the server that is causing this.

Kindly help me resolve this problem because is a major inconvenience.

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