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To all Vilayer LTD Customers

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My server was up this morning for a short period, but is down again like yesterday and cannot be restartet correctly .. i hope it will get sorted out (support ticket allready issued) because my community members constantly push me ^^ ;)

But i know that you cannot solve everything directly, so i´m still patient :)

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My server was up and running late last night/ early this morning. It ran on and off for about 6 hours and then decided to die. It firstly caused everyone to drop their loot, and then teleport into the debug forrest. Not what i would have wanted.

I understand that Vilayer is hard pushed at the moment. I understand that Lee (the company director) is unwell and need recovery time. But i must ask, why are you taking on so much work but not having the support staff available?

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NY22 - - Rebel Regiment -- server is still offline. Vilayer please bring this server online, its been 3 days now. Cheers :)

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US193 - can get to ACP fine, can't get to Game Services..

Odd as it worked to stop server but now won't allow me back in

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Our server came back on line this morning, so they are obviously battling through the problems, big thanks to Lee and the other Vilayer guys

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Down/unstable for 3 dayZ now...my community slowly gets annoyed...no acp access (Status: Unknown)

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Our server is also still down and no reaction on my support ticket .. i fully understand thats difficult atm .. but my community is also pushing me ^^

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lol perfect timing' date=' just as we decide to rent one from vilayer.

all good tho, hopefully it goes up soon


This is an exceptional circumstance. Usually these guys are epic.

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Down/unstable for 3 dayZ now...my community slowly gets annoyed...no acp access (Status: Unknown)


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Damn, when it reaches 7 days we can say goodbye to all the tents and cars!

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I have a great amount of patients. i really do, but this is a host issue/tcadmin issue, this is not a hive issue. this amount of down time for any company, is unacceptable, regardless of personal issues of staff members. this is not a hive, dayz, mod, arma, beta or alpha issue, its purely the host and tcadmin combined with low staffing (sadly due to personal issues) and triggered by ddoss hive issues that has been settled that day. other servers are online, other vilayer servers even online and new vilayer orders appear to be still happening while a large number of us are paying for a service we havent had in 3 days.

I had plans on moving all of our voice/game servers to vilayer. our community has 9 in total. now im not so sure.

Please get our services online. I like it here and i dont want to change hosts.

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I have a great amount of patients. i really do' date=' but this is a host issue/tcadmin issue, this is not a hive issue. this amount of down time for any company, is unacceptable, regardless of personal issues of staff members. this is not a hive, dayz, mod, arma, beta or alpha issue, its purely the host and tcadmin combined with low staffing (sadly due to personal issues) and triggered by ddoss hive issues that has been settled that day. other servers are online, other vilayer servers even online and new vilayer orders appear to be still happening while a large number of us are paying for a service we havent had in 3 days.

I had plans on moving all of our voice/game servers to vilayer. our community has 9 in total. now im not so sure.

Please get our services online. I like it here and i dont want to change hosts.


I'm in the same boat and I too believe I've shown a lot of patience. I try to address any problems with my server on my end through config files/restarts before submitting a ticket even. But this has been going on for 3 days now of unplayability, even when the server was up last night and earlier today it kept losing connection and then duplicating in the server list (some sort of caching issue?). Now that I've stopped and restarted it multiple times no one can connect again, just like the last 2 days.

This is getting to be too much, this is a paid for service...one that I would like to stick with...but I'm not sure if I will at this point. Part of running a business is knowing what you can and cannot handle, obviously you've taken on too many subscriptions/issues you cannot handle, and customers are now suffering.

I'm the last guy to complain about food in a restaurant or anything like that, it's just so very rarely worth the time and negativity involved...but this is ridiculous. I'm going to change providers if this downtown isn't some how "made up" for.

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I picked them because of all the good things I heard about their service. There are cheaper servers out there, but I wanted one that would respond to issues quickly.

My ACP panel has no "widgets", stop or start buttons now. The server is stopped and can't start it. Can get to the files to look, but always gets stuck at "Loading" when you click on a config file.

Two support tickets, PM's and Skype messages with ZERO response.

Not looking good that this will be a long term relationship. My Blackberry is on today in case My Customers need anything.........what happened here?

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Currently waiting on EU28 which has my groups camp to come back up. I know the admins been trying to get in contact with vilayer. Just hope things can get sorted soon for everyones sake.

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Unfortunately its still the same here .. no reactions at all to ticket, forum, skype, TS3 .. i for myself could life without playing a few days, but i´m getting in trouble with my community which payed also for the server. At least something like "we took notice" etc. would be nice.

I still don´t plan to change, because i know that these guys normaly have a VERY good service, which they proved on many occasions.

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Hello guys, sorry to hear this is going on. Lee has been awake almost since he got back from surgery. Everyone will be getting a free week on their server. We expect it to be up soon. We have been ordering servers and trying to load balance to make sure that lag is kept down. I'm on my way home from a family function in Philadelphia for Independence day and I know lee is working on stuff in TS now.

We sincerely apologize


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Is that to all your clients? Even the ones who don't have any issues? Because that would be cool and all but I only had issues for the day of the DDOS.

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I ordered my server yesterday and it was set-up immediatley.

However, from 5.30pm yesterday until I logged off (11pm GMT) it was showing as creating game. I am led to believe this is becuase I need to be given a Mission ID - Can anyone confirm this for me ?

Whats more than frsustrating is the 'Sales' tickets were answered instantly - I submitted a ticket last night, asking for confirmation as to when the server would be up and thus far have had nothing back at all...

To add to these frustrations, this morning (a 5am GMT) my server is down, and does not even appear in the list.....

So far, I am unimpressed with the service - Yes, Ive only had my service since 5.30pm GMT yesterday and I know you guys have had your services effected (by the looks of things) a lot longer than myself, but the information on the website suggests they have 24/7 support, and this coupled with the way my 'sales' answered my question's were why i decided to go with Vilayer....

We live and learn - I hope the free week applies to EVERYONE owning a server with them ?


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Vinny you need to chill mate, moaning about it on here when you have not even had your server 24 hours is not really fair at all, sure your frustrated but come on seriously!?...

Vilayer are one of the best hosters there is, trust me i have had 3 and these guys far outweigh anything else there is available...

As im sure you are aware there has been problems over the past few days not only with DayZ but also Lee has had his own issues... trust me you will not find a harder working guy anywhere and he will sort it out for you, johnny will also be on the case im sure as he always is..

i do know the other day they were overwhelmed with tickets and support requests after the name changing episode and vilayer changing all the servers over to the correct settings so that they were not REMOVED by dayz... no other company would of ever undertaken all that work on behalf of there customers EVER.

i'm not making excuses but sometimes things do take a bit longer to sort out.. you will be sorted and you will be as happy as a pig in shit..


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Vinny you need to chill mate' date=' moaning about it on here when you have not even had your server 24 hours is not really fair at all, sure your frustrated but come on seriously!?...

Vilayer are one of the best hosters there is, trust me i have had 3 and these guys far outweigh anything else there is available...

As im sure you are aware there has been problems over the past few days not only with DayZ but also Lee has had his own issues... trust me you will not find a harder working guy anywhere and he will sort it out for you, johnny will also be on the case im sure as he always is..

i do know the other day they were overwhelmed with tickets and support requests after the name changing episode and vilayer changing all the servers over to the correct settings so that they were not REMOVED by dayz... no other company would of ever undertaken all that work on behalf of there customers EVER.

i'm not making excuses but sometimes things do take a bit longer to sort out.. you will be sorted and you will be as happy as a pig in shit..




Thanks for your reply.

I feel I am entitled to an opinion irrespective of how long I've had a server - Ultimately, on the run up to purchasing a server I was greeted with an exemplary level of 'customer service.' The replies to my pre-purchase tickets were answered immediately, this coupled with the claim of '24/7' support is the sole reason I choose Vilayer Servers.

Regarding me needing to 'Chill' and me 'Moaning' - personally, I don't think my post is derogatory, inflammatory or portrays anything other then my opinion (Something I am allowed to give here). Granted, I've had my server for less than 24 hours, but given this fact, I personally don't think its an excellent example of what to expect in future as my server has already gone down.......In less than 24 hours.

Because I've had my server for less than 24 hours its not 'fair' for me to express my opinion..........WOW ! I disagree entirely.

I was unaware of all of the 'issues' with Vilayer before hiring, and I sympathise with Lee and his health issues - I never questioned how hard these guys work, just used the forum to express my opinion - Sorry if you feel these are not valid.

Still stand by my original post - Thanks for you input macho, very 'helpful.'


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Vilayer's Staff... I love you.



P.S. You guys are awesome for offering things no other server host does, all the while safeguarding servers with incorrect server names so they won't get blacklisted ANDDD you guys work around the clock providing Day Z players an excellent(Performance wise) server to play on. You're simply amazing.

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Yeah as i said not having a go.. just wanted to let you know that it will be dealt with and you will get sorted... i'm just letting you know they have been extremely busy and i for one am glad that they did what they did.. otherwise half the people that have servers would of all had them removed...

obviously this has caused a back log of tickets and support issues.. and as for last night they all went down, mine to only just got it back up and online again... this you have to live with as it is in Alpha stage and i know they do what they can to keep them up 24/7..

hopefully yours will be swiftly dealt with.

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