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Animal Zeds

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Title says it all. Aggro-Animal-Zeds would be a true survival tester.


Flocks of undead crows/birds would be a true nightmare, or even a single Zed-bird would be utterly surprising to any nearby person whether they're "camping" or enroute.


Packs of undead wolves, bears would pose a huge threat to camps and locked doors because they'd be like the L4D Tanks and can take tons of gunfire.


I dunno about undead-fish, but it would sure deter most people from swiming in any kind of water; definitely requiring a boat just to get to Prison Island xD


Undead Dogs, Cats, Elk. The list can go on and on. It would certainly make finding companion Animals and lving animals for hunting that much more scarce.


All in all, if it was good for the Resident Evil series, I think it can work in DayZ SA.

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Hmm...sounds a bit out of place for DayZ to me, but I think the devs could definitely make it work if they put enough effort into it. IMO what would be better is just having some animals that will attack you. Obviously we have bears and wolves coming eventually, but it would be nice to have some of the preexisting animals act more aggressively (for example in real life, a boar is more likely to ignore you until you get close then charge at you than it is to run away when it sees you >500m out like it does in-game).

Edited by OnionOfShame

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Suggested back in the mod days, not a bad idea, but Zombie birds in large groups, and smaller than a vulture, would be hell on people with slow connections. also, i would keep the zombie animal list small, mabye 10% of all animal spawns, because much more than that and hunting becomes a complete toss up over whether they are edible or not.

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I don't know about that, I'd actually suggest more aggressive animals, but, just a FEW of infected animals wouldn't be an issue, IMO.

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Aggressive animals are in the works. So, rejoice, you'll get those long before I get my Zed animals xD. And yes, a Bear and a Boar attacking players would be pretty awesome; and other animals as well.

I too have though of this, in regards of the Swarms of birds. I think there should be a Bird-Size "rule", where anything smaller than a Crow doesn't have the ability of being a Zed.


I also like the idea of the Zed-Animal %, cause this would indeed effect Hunting if there were more "Zedimals"; though, I think servers should have to option to increase the amount potential Zedimals at their discretion. Perhaps injured animals with low health are prone to becoming infected? Ie: an animal gets heavyily injured from a zed and then eventually becomes one. This way, even if some animals kill each other they won't become Zeds unless they've made physical contact. I imagine birds having the lowest % of being a zedimal, being that birds of prey are very intelligent and can tell when a potential meal has -(shall we say...) expired? >:D

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Much like that movie(s) Birds, dogs, etc...


Not a bad idea, adds in some extra flavor for a rabid dear. Then opens up the face and sends out an "alien-style" tongue.


Adds some fun, and can be a random script when the player is close by, % of spawning an undead style animal.


Rats in cities, etc.. another good idea.

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@Sneakydude: ~Ohhh RATS... ARRRGH.  That would be nightmarish. A Molotov would probably be the most effective weapon against a rat horde.

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Undead predators or elk would be interesting, but a small percentage so as not to effect hunting.

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