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Julianwop (DayZ)

A hold-to-interact action button, and apple trees.

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Hey guys, I'm gonna throw a couple of Ideas out there, I'll make separate posts for each idea.
Edit: Kind of did a 2in1 with this one though.

This is how I imagine interacting with the environment or items (more specifically food and drinks) should be in DayZ.

I'm sure you've all been killed because of - or have grown tired of being locked in place in a animation while doing mundane tasks such as eating, drinking, searching for apples and such. And with the current state of these functions, you only have the "cancel action" mechanic to abort said action, which with current lag and performance issues, really isn't all that reliable.

A hold-to-interact-button (search/eat/drink/apply bandage, fill gas) mechanic would perhaps be better? When the apple-tree or food/drink/action is 100% done/consumed it auto-stops the animation, when you stop pressing the button down, it stops the animation.


No more locked in place for x amount of time doing [insert game mechanic here], so that if you get shot at, you can instantly stop whatever you're doing and run away, return fire, find cover, etc.



However, when engaging in an action such as eating, picking apples, drinking from a bottle, one should be able to move, but maximum movement speed should be walking. Having to stand still while drinking or eating doesn't really feel realistic. Drinking from/refilling bottles from a pond or a well would still require you to sit and hold button.


For this to work it would have to be client-sided actions, I guess? And apple-trees should have a max amount of apples per tree, kind of container-like, with a respawn timer. Maybe with the possibility to chop the tree down, in order to reach the remaining otherwise unreachable higher growing apples? 


I think that would encourage players to go exploring around the map to find apple-farms, and maybe even causing small territorial disputes because of them. I can picture clans fighting over control of a city/town because of it's natural resources(apple farms, fishing ponds, etc), and I think that it would bring more purpose to exploring, and immersion to the game.

- Julian

Edited by Julianwop
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Yup. Planned as far as I know. Seem to recall a dev saying we won't see this for a few more months yet, though.

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I think it's planned for many things. Eating apples, eating beans, opening cans, lighting fire, Strangling survivors....just kidding on that one

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