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Be careful shooting at V3S', sometimes the occupants will get out and come back! "Pot Shots"

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Edited by TheRunningManZ
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You must be the Luckiest player in DayZ walking around in fields in the wide open and not getting hit.

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A couple guys in a V3S got too close recently during night. I patiently watched as they sprinted about "looting" until they got back in the truck. Unloaded my blaze toward the cabin, the truck started but rapidly and wildly veered into a building. I didn't stick around to find out what happened to them, hopefully just spooked them and made them a bit more cautious for a while. When I see someone like OP spend 5 minutes sprinting about and "flanking" in this video to get revenge, I feel happy that they probably spent a half hour searching for me in the woods. Probably did nothing but give them a good story. :)

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Lol! nice flip. I've done that myself a (great) number of times.

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You must be the Luckiest player in DayZ walking around in fields in the wide open and not getting hit.


 I don't remember doing too much walking. Aside from when I was trying to get a shot at the second guy who was in my treeline? In which case I think I did the right thing, yes I could be seen but getting closer to him would have been stupid. Most of the time you have to get out of your treeline a little to get the shot if they are in the same treeline as you.

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Well i meant running. But you still had to cross from the truck back to over where they were through that vast open field :)  But anyway i loved the video , i hope you post some more.

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Well i meant running. But you still had to cross from the truck back to over where they were through that vast open field :)  But anyway i loved the video , i hope you post some more.


I do agree it was a gamble. There was an awful lot more checking my surroundings edited out of the vid though before I ran over. It still wasn't safe but I had done my due diligence.. lol


Thanks for watching the vid! ;)

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