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Different Map Servers

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In the last couple of days I decided to start playing DayZ again, I bought it when the standalone came out, thinking it would quickly update to another tier of gameplay. I don't have any problems with the game in it's current state, even though it can be quite buggy at times. But the questions is if there are servers for the standalone that feature a different map than the standard one?


The original map isn't bad, but the placement of areas really forces you in certain directions and becomes a bit dull at times. Are there servers that utilize other maps? When I was playing the Arma 2 version there were several to download and enjoy, but with my searches I can't seem to find a single server that plays on a different map. Do I have to go back to Arma 2 to do this or have I been looking in the wrong direction? 


Which servers do you prefer, and why? If you have good ones you'd like to recommend, I'd be more than glad to give em' a shot (EU area)

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Here is a guide for you to look over.  Different maps require different downloads and separate servers to run them.  For Mod servers look here, this is where you can find servers running other options as this is not a part of the Standalone (yet).  Furthermore, moving your post to the mod section.



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Standalone only has Chernarus + right now. The mod is still running and most of the maps are still in use but they're sporatic.

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