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Crossbow, Improvised Bow, and Fishing Rod

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I know that these items do not currently work as of 0.55, but i was wondering if these were going to be fixed in 0.56. These are some of the things I want most, because I like to hunt and fish in game. Any information is much appreciated, and thanks in advanced. 

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I know that these items do not currently work as of 0.55, but i was wondering if these were going to be fixed in 0.56. These are some of the things I want most, because I like to hunt and fish in game. Any information is much appreciated, and thanks in advanced. 


I can assure you that in the experimental version of 0.56 released recently the improvised bow and fishing rod were working fine. Can't speak for xbow but then I don't remember there being a problem with xbow in 0.55. While this doesn't mean that stable 0.56 will absolutely have fixed bow/fishing, it seems very likely if they are working in the early unstable version of the build.

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Well, currently in .56 the bow, crossbow and fishing pole work. Fishing works really well, cutting up a fish works again. 2 fish filets, 1 pile of guts. Combine this with the fact that you can craft a hand drill to make fire (wooden stick + oak bark), and that you now can cook your meat with an ashwood stick over fire, you are pretty set for some easy survivin.


I use fishing, trapping and hunting in .56, no need for canned food.

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Right now the crossbow is glitched, you cannot aim down the sights, didn't find one in experimental so I cannot say if they fixed it, it really sucks because now that stealth has been implemented, I would like to sneak around and kill some zeds with a bolt to the dome

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