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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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Never had a debug wilderness problem until today. Happened to me once and my lil bro once. Might have something to do with the issues today. Kinda sux losing all of your stuff' date=' but what are ya gonna do?


Well you could be do what the smart people are doing and wait till it's fixed.

But that's just a thought

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the little piece of shit is still ddosing or has he finally realized that masturbation is more enjoyable then ruining a free mod for thousands of poeples?

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Still going on, give dayz a week or so and maybe it will be stable again.

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guess it gives me time to actually play the Arma 2 and OA single missions... I've been looking for a way to escape the infected for a time.

On a side note, I hope the Dev team take as long as needed to get this resolved.

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... and on a related note...


greenarrow has a stolen macbookpro in his possession and is in school.

He's just learned to used nmap and is running an ircbotnet.

It would likely be fairly easy to find his ip and make a call to whichever service provider he uses and have them turn off his service and have a chat with his mommy. ;)

... or alternately one could think about dropping by his house and eating him. (just a thought).

Wow... what a douchebag. The IP in one of his posts leads to Ontario, Canada. Somebody should backtrace it and implode his gibson with a multiheaded worm (a hydra?) A HYDRA!

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It's trifling days, comrades. I guess it's... playable? However, I advise you to stay the fuck away from the servers, especially if you're with a group of friends. De-sync issues, de-sync issues everywhere.

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i jsut logged in and indeed its crap

you pick up an item, 3 mins later it gets added to your inv....

why would anyone do this? gtta be a sick and worthless individual to do this to anyone, let alone a free mod which is about as close to a labor of love as you can get.

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Not playable for me for the last 2 days

Its a shame that people haven't got something better to do than hit someones freely provided work.

I hope that rocket and the team send the local police in and then his parents will get involved and hopefully beat him within an inch of his life.

The fact that you can do this stuff doesn't make you clever dude.

The fact that you can do this stuff and choose not to makes you a decent human being.

Choose the second one dude if you can

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I wish i was in Canada now. Kind of in the mood to kick some ass, you know.

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I tried a server earlier tonight and it seemed okay, until I logged off. When I logged back on to the same server later, when some friends came on our TS, I spawned inside of a large rock near where I had logged off. I could look around and at first I had no idea I was inside the rock. When I tried to move forward my legs were instantly broken, I fell unconscience and was bleeding out. Before I regained conscience I died. I got a lucky respawn and ran back to my body. When I got there I was barely able to see my shoulder sticking out of the rock.

My friends on TS and I tried the same server later and it was okay for a while. Then after about 30 minutes or so we started to notice that as we were running along one or sometimes two of our group would vanish and be a really far distance behind. As soon as we noticed this we found a field to log off in and we decided to not try another server for the time being.

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all works fine. no idea what kind of crap servers you guys are joining lol

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Right now the Problems seem to come back... Servers full of Players stuck in char creation again.

Tried 5 Server all over the world , i could still play at like 10 at this morning.

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all works fine. no idea what kind of crap servers you guys are joining lol

Good for you dick. Disrespecting hosters who let you play their servers just so you can dog them out on forums, nice move bro.

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Maybe the devs should shut the game and website down for a couple of days. wipe everything out, set up new patch 1.7.2. maybe get a new ip/hive and start all over again.

Everyone can calm down, that skript-kiddie has it´s satisfaction by taking down the game for some time :( and all fellow survivors and bandits could check the real world for some beans or get some fresh cooked meat at mummys.

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Maybe the devs should shut the game and website down for a couple of days. wipe everything out' date=' set up new patch 1.7.2. maybe get a new ip/hive and start all over again.

Everyone can calm down, that skript-kiddie has it´s satisfaction by taking down the game for some time :( and all fellow survivors and bandits could check the real world for some beans or get some fresh cooked meat at mummys.


And what good what that do? By shutting everything down and wiping everything you let them win, which is never a good thing. You should never cave into someone who does this.

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its hive restart and maintenance... will be ur arround 40 min

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im going to be pretty upset if i get put back into the debug forest shortly after i JUST got out...

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its hive restart and maintenance... will be ur arround 40 min

How do you know?

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Ended up in the debug wildernis again, I made it back to the map, but damn, this is not funny with a 19 day old survivor.

I will now wait until its up and running 100%, any idea on the ETA of the 1.7.2 patch wich should at least remedy the wildernis spawn?

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