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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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Oh, wow, it would be a fun job to field all the restore complains during a beta.

I think someone got a bit attached to his character.

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Good to know i lost my character ' date=' whats the email to get your character back with your stuff?


lol jk?

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Is it worth connecting or is it just gonna go down again and lose all my stuff?

From what I can tell there is no official word that it is back up and functioning properly. Best to stay off it today unless you don't care if you lose your stuff to debug forest.

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i just hope i dont lose anything i wasnt aware that anything was happening to the servers. i tried for about an hour trying to get into servers (thought it may have been me since im in HI) i didnt find my way into a debug forest i was just stuck at creating character.

hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst (:

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Any word yet? Would love to play, but don't really want to lose all my stuffs.

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I'm not encouraging anyone to connect, but I've been playing since around midday with no issues.

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commercial activities?

I just wanna play.

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If i lose my mak and pepsi i will be so pissed ! MOTHER OF GOD !!!

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What's the latest on this?

This came in (9hours ago):

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

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Good thing Im stuck at work, this gives the good dev people 7 more hours to fix hive server and whatnot :-).

And if I loose my stuff then I guess there will be big party in Cherno & Elektro heh.

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#LOTEC server is running 100% stable.

Day right now.

Little people on, most seem to be friendly and at cherno.

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I was playing earlier. Maybe 4 hours ago. Some servers had issues, other ones were fine. Didn't lose anything or experience any bad bugs except for bad desync.

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What's the latest on this?

This came in (9hours ago):

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Full services now restored to DayZ -Rocket

Yeah I saw that, but then there are all the other people saying it's still not working for them, so I'm trying to figure out if they're just idiots, or if Rocket's missed something ;)

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Getting weird lag spikes every so often. I wonder if the DDoS is still going on but not as strong.

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I can't connect to any server... and everyone on the UK server I was in got thrown into the air and died.. at once


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Never had a debug wilderness problem until today. Happened to me once and my lil bro once. Might have something to do with the issues today. Kinda sux losing all of your stuff, but what are ya gonna do?

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