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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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What about an counterattack' date=' lets crowdfund some money here in the forum and shoot back.

Dunno if this is possible though, but thinking of it makes me smile.

Im really impressed how easy a DDos-attack seems to be. I could do that , too. Hell everyone could do that.

Hmm I wonder if......


Although it would satisfy us and give us some peace knowing that they got a taste of their own medicine, but you're bringing in illegal actions on a PUBLIC forum thread. You do realise you'll most likely end up screwing rocket and his team over more than what this Ddos already has.

Edit: If this is a legit DDos attack.

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Current status?

Safe to login or best to wait?

Just play another game for today and come back tomorrow.

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This is not a DDoS attack... more like too many players and the HIVE cannot handle the load.

Thank you for telling everyone you have no clue what your talking about.

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Im really impressed how easy a DDos-attack seems to be. I could do that ' date=' too. Hell everyone could do that.

Hmm I wonder if......


Yeah get a botnet with 10k pcs in it, then do it, easy as pie, should be not much of a deal to counter that aswell o0 .

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Im really impressed how easy a DDos-attack seems to be. I could do that ' date=' too. Hell everyone could do that.

Hmm I wonder if......


Yeah get a botnet with 10k pcs in it, then do it, easy as pie, should be not much of a deal to counter that aswell o0 .

Or he could go splinter snake all over their hardware. Way more effective.

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just curious, but ive spent litterally 40 mins at the black loading screen and still have not had the game load for me. could this be a result of the DDOS attack by these kids? or is it normal to stay on the black load screen for 40mins...

i cant even get off the game without alt+F4ing or using task manager FFS.

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i cant even get off the game without alt+F4ing or using task manager FFS.

Sounds like a problem with your computer!

But yeah, I tried connecting earlier after Rocket tweeted that it was working. Sat on "Waiting for Host" for a good 10 minutes before crashing out through Task Manager.

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Hey guys, is it okay that we could log in with few of my mates (but it was REALLY laggy, desyncing was all over the place)? Are we going to lose anything? I got a M107 from someone while playing on that server. Will it be erased? Will my (and my mates') characters reset to the respawn state? I hope that will not happen. :(

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OK I'M GOING IN! WISH ME LUCK! I have an M16 and some good tools... let's see if I lose them. Already lost my bus and tent in a server reset, so what else is there to lose that I can't find again in elektro?

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OK I'M GOING IN! WISH ME LUCK! I have an M16 and some good tools... let's see if I lose them. Already lost my bus and tent in a server reset' date=' so what else is there to lose that I can't find again in elektro?


you can find everything again. but if you happen to find NVgoogles, they belong to me.

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Midgethumper, I think you have something seriously wrong in your head. I mean, I will soon have too. Hundred brain cells die every second I'm looking at your posts.

And what's up with that name..?

*Midgethumper sappin' mah intelligence!*

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Midgethumper' date=' I think you have something seriously wrong in your head. I mean, I will soon have too. Hundred brain cells die every second I'm looking at your posts.

And what's up with that name..?

*Midgethumper sappin' mah intelligence!*


Funny coming from a guy whos name is so original it has a 2 after it. :)

You mad brah?

"I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do."

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at about 5:15pm PST, I spawned in debug land...

I should have followed my own advice and waited until tomorrow, but the game is so. god. damned. fun. I guess I either have some running or some hatcheting to do.

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This is the 4th time i've ran out of the debug plains. This time i actually got to keep my equipment but it took me about 68 minutes to do so.

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it's annoying that's for sure' date=' but whatever not a big deal

you guys have someone in your group that is helping hackers or you don't know how to be secure enough to not get hacked

whatever it is, lets get to the bottom of it, fire anyone who seems even a little weary howcopy


rofl do some research lol.

Its a Denial of Service Attack.

idc what the real problem is but there was a problem so move on

there's got to be something going on, whatever it seems fixed

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it's annoying that's for sure' date=' but whatever not a big deal

you guys have someone in your group that is helping hackers or you don't know how to be secure enough to not get hacked

whatever it is, lets get to the bottom of it, fire anyone who seems even a little weary howcopy


rofl do some research lol.

Its a Denial of Service Attack.

idc what the real problem is but there was a problem so move on

there's got to be something going on, whatever it seems fixed

your kind of an idiot aren't ya? DDos attacks aren't even hacking. All it is getting the IP address (easy to get, just check the connection) and spamming it. Reddit does accidental DDos all the time when people post a link to a private website and it makes the front page.

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it's annoying that's for sure' date=' but whatever not a big deal

you guys have someone in your group that is helping hackers or you don't know how to be secure enough to not get hacked

whatever it is, lets get to the bottom of it, fire anyone who seems even a little weary howcopy


rofl do some research lol.

Its a Denial of Service Attack.

idc what the real problem is but there was a problem so move on

there's got to be something going on, whatever it seems fixed

your kind of an idiot aren't ya? DDos attacks aren't even hacking. All it is getting the IP address (easy to get, just check the connection) and spamming it. Reddit does accidental DDos all the time when people post a link to a private website and it makes the front page.

Do you know what the fuck you're talking about?

It doesn't spam, it sends excessive amounts of Packets.

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it's annoying that's for sure' date=' but whatever not a big deal

you guys have someone in your group that is helping hackers or you don't know how to be secure enough to not get hacked

whatever it is, lets get to the bottom of it, fire anyone who seems even a little weary howcopy


rofl do some research lol.

Its a Denial of Service Attack.

idc what the real problem is but there was a problem so move on

there's got to be something going on, whatever it seems fixed

your kind of an idiot aren't ya? DDos attacks aren't even hacking. All it is getting the IP address (easy to get, just check the connection) and spamming it. Reddit does accidental DDos all the time when people post a link to a private website and it makes the front page.

Do you know what the fuck you're talking about?

It doesn't spam, it sends excessive amounts of Packets.

I highly doubt it was a **DDoS**attack anyway mate:) Just on the information I have received in the last 6 hours:)

This is the second time in 3 weeks:)

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