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Dingle (DayZ)

5 Dollar Steam game to whomever can determine source of this bug, "The Memory could not be written"

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Background. I took a break from dayz about 6 days ago to play GTA. Started back up today, and i get this error about every 30 mintues. Any help would be lovely

[screenshot of error](http://i.imgur.com/OEnxaJ1.png
Things I have tried.
* reinstalling
* verifying game cache integrity or whatever
* Deleting my launch parameters
* checked to see if my drivers are updated
Thanks for any help you can provide.
 I have determined that it is happening every 20 Minutes on the dot.
I ran Memtest for 1 hour, 17/17 passes

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To me it seems like a bad memory chip. Is the memory error always in the same memory address block? I know you are thinking "but everything else runs fine." However DayZ has memory allocation issues and may be using memory blocks that other tasks never allocate. Run memtest86 just to make sure that the issue is not you memory.


Oops, just saw that you said you did a memtest. Could be a Virtual Memory issue where there is bad sectors on your hard drive. Set your Virtual Memory to 0 then reboot and set back then reboot. This will completely clear the Virtual Memory sectors and re-allocate.

Edited by trujuice

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could be a virus interfering with battleye run an antivirus and malware scans and run sfc /scannow in a cmd prompt , or a 3rd party software i know that gt lite will sometimes cause this error and the teamspeak overlay (not sure about overwolf) try stopping all background programs and see if it reoccurs 

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I had a similar problem with Arma 2.  

So here is what i did: went into the steam folder -> arma 2 -> common redist -> installed all the utilities.  

The same folder is there in DayZ, with it's own directx and vcredist. Install them both, restart your pc and report back.

Also, use the launch option -malloc=system in steam launch parameters for DayZ

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i had an issue like this some weeks ago (with .55 stable)


i see you already tried deleting your launch parameter, just add this one now "-oldui" it fixed the issue for me.

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