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Lumber RolePlay Server I High Fps

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WARNING: Since the server is currently off.You can add me on my steam or write in the comments,when there are atleast 3-4 people that want to try it the server will be permanently opened.


Steam 1:(less used i only play ARMA 2:CO on it):http://steamcommunit...561198192309199

Steam 2:(more used):http://steamcommunit...561198153257746


Lumber Role Play is a different community. There are NO age limits(why should your age dictate how mature are you and how good you can roleplay), No admins that watch your every step to see if you are playing by the rules.

What is different in our server than in others like it. We are dedicated to roleplaying, we are almoast always free to make events and roleplaying scenarios for the players.



There are 3 factions you can chosse from.

You can choose from 3 factions,each has its own objective:

You can either be UN soldier, Island Bandit or a mercenary.

Normal survivor is an option too. No one is obligated to enter a faction.

Every faction has its own loadout,base and things to do

You can quickly get out of a faction if you wish.

For every person that enters the faction,the faction gets supplies.

The faction spaces arnt unlimited(no limit set up yet)



UN's objective is to help survivors around the island and repel the bandits

Bandit's objective is to reak havok around the island and take over it

Mercenaries can be "rented" to do something you dont have the gear for or just cant bother to do.


Mission scenarios:

There are multiple mission scenarios.

Admin Convoys:

Admins run a convoy from A to B,the convoy is usually made from(2xMG cars and a truck), the truck contains food/ammo/medical supplies and in rare cases guns.Every one is welcomed to try to take down the convoy and its supplies.The choise of how you do it is yours.Will you ambush it somewhere on the road,will you plant some charges(extremely rare) or snipe it from a remote location



All over the map there are checkpoints(admin runned by default),the faction/person that takes em can have the loot inside.

Typical Events:

Chernarus Race League:

Participant/participants are chosen from each faction,the winner wins supplies.

Night Ops:

Infiltrate a checkpoint at night without being seen and take its loot.


Lowered loot and high trader prices:

Warning! This one can change with the feedback given.The loot is lowered so there are not to much overpowered guns everywhere and the trader prices are high so people can use them as a last resort



New Life Rule applies here:

Each time you die you start a new life--all your previous memories are lost.

No killing on sight:

Make contact with the player first.

Hacking/Scripting is always wrong, as same as bad language,

Show respect to other players and Amind's

And don't be a D*ck


Taking hostages:

Taking hostages is fully allowed and even encouraged.The hostage is to be kept alive at all times(unless he dies of something the hostage taker couldnt do anything about)


TL:DR This is a great roleplay server for RP veterans and new people

Edited by EditedSnowHD

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So i just wanted to say...... First Bump of today (that rhyme's)

Hope to see you all on the server  :)

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Hey its me from the thread on Reddit. If I where you I would change a few things involving the Missions and the Faction System. Ill start with the Missions.


The way the lore of chernarus works, much of the UN force was occupying the south west portion of the map, but remnants of the CDF still roamed trying to find their way out of the north to other parts of Chernarus. If missions were to involve small groups of CDF or Chedaki it would make a little more sense. Other than that Missions aren't necessary, or at least not frequently. If you do one mission a restart it would be nice because people would actually be worried and try to get the stuff in it, leading to More encounters.  


Factions: The Factions system you have in place right now is slightly flawed in my opinion. Player factions should take importance, or atleast the factions offered by the server should vary slightly. Taking note from the Old DayzRP groups which aim to replicate and form groups which fall in with the Chernarus Government or rebels. Ill name a couple as an example.


Chedaki: Old rebels which lost and went into hiding after the Civil war of 2009. They have always been just active enough to be remembered. 

Ultra Nationalist Party of Chernarus: The nationalists where a radical force fighting not just the chedaki, but instead the Russian civilians of Chernarus. 

CDF: Pretty self explanatory, the Chernarus army which has fallen apart, but some isolated divisions / groups remain.

Civilian warlords: People who may have fought before, or participated in some sort of combat which granted the the know-how to become powerful leaders in the ever present apocalypse. 

Russian Forces: The Russian military would have intervened to assist the people escaping and might well have failed, so remnant of battalions trapped past the blockade of chernarus would have to fend for themselves, with certain vehicles and supplies being granted to them from the start. 


Thats just a few Ideas, but I still and will always think player created factions should take president over any others. 

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