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About me:

I'm a streamer named Plebiscite, and for the most part I could be called a "bandit." I have been playing for a few weeks now and I know a good deal about the game. I am 19 and I enjoy gaming a lot, so therefor most of my time is spent doing such. I do most of my gaming from 12pm-??am EST on all days except Tuesday.

What I'm looking for:

Players of / over the age of 18 who also enjoy this game and are well "bandits".

1. You MUST have Skype or Ventrilo, and a mic this is one of those take it or leave it things for me.

2. I don't want players who are brand new, playing solo is hard but teaching someone at the same time is even harder.

3. Common sense and the ability to make choices for yourself is key to surviving in this game, thus you must have those traits as well.

4. I play on EST so it would be a plus if you were active around those same times as well.

on a scale of 1-10 how badly do you rage?

(1 being "I don't give a fuck!"... 10 being "I died I'm screaming and I'm done!") feel free to explain a little here.

****LEAVING IS NOT AN OPTION! If you are in a fight with ME you DO NOT EVER disconnect to avoid a death or troll a player... do what ever it takes, but disconnecting in order to avoid a death is UNACCEPTABLE (obviously there are extenuating circumstances ex: a player just dropped a nuke, or a battleship spawned in the middle of Churno)****

If you fit this build and are interested leave a message here or PM me through the boards. I'm only looking for a max number of 4 people, I will make my decisions quickly. If you PM me leave me a way to get in touch with you via Skype or Steam.

Thank you in advance (btw creepers not welcome, I want to be able to trust you! ;))

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steam name crusey

i know how to play and survive, don't rage, have years and years of gaming experience i have a mic and am also very active, if you need to know anything else just message me on steam!

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I fit everything except I am 17. I have been playing for a week, and I have a good grasp on the game. I want to join up with a group. My steam name is scarface031

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I contacted three of you for the moment, try and get back to me within a timely manner so I can get with others

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