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Reacher (DayZ)

Here´s an crazy thought....

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Ever since the 0.55 patch/update there have been numerous posts and topics about how DayZ is either "too darn hard", "just fine" or "heading where it should be".

Ok, so lets agree to disagree. Fine by me.


Now, coming from the Battlefield series, been playing that since it came out in 2002 me believes, there are a few server side options worth mentioning.


There will always be players with different preferences of how a game should be. Why not make it possible to have different server settings? Best of two worlds. Those who enjoy playing Picking berries Simulator 2015 can have that and those who want to gear up for world war III will be happy aswell. Just make it impossible to switch between these servers without losing your character.


More people will then actually buy the game. Should be of interest from the devs one would think.


Ah well, maybe this has been suggested already. I don´t know. If so, well, sorry I guess but here it is again :)


Happy gaming folks.



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Diluting the game into different game modes any further doesn't do anyone any good. Not when the av server population is already at an all-time low.

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Well, I beg to differ.

It has worked well with the Battlefield series. Settings like "Infantry only", "Hardcore", "Friendly fire on/off" etc. No problems at all.

It is still the same game.


No question it will attract more players.



Edited by Reacher

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Diluting the game into different game modes any further doesn't do anyone any good. Not when the av server population is already at an all-time low.

The server population is at an all time low because:

1. The hacker problems of last year drove away scores of players

2. The game is headed in a direction that heavily limits the ways you can play the game

3. The game was quite hard to begin with, it has a learning curve and new players have a very hard time getting anywhere, now they have no chance and will likely become uninterested in playing the game before they are able to master the learning curve like the rest of us did.


As it stands now, there is only one way to play this game, spawn on the coast, hope you can find enough food to make it inland, start farming and hunting. Thats it, thats all the game has to offer right now, PVP is dead because who wants to risk that shit? Everyone avoids everyone now and if they can't avoid them they just ignore each other because goddammit I need these rounds for zombies, not a shootout with you and your friend.


In .54 there were many ways to play the game, spawn on the coast in a high pop server and fight with melee or fists, form a band of cannibals and take over Kamy using nothing but sharpened sticks, go to the prison island and fight for you life like never before, attempt to sneak through the large cities and score some loot or maybe get a ninja kill on someone and loot their gear, grab a few supplies at a freshspawn town and then head inland for survival. Now that last one is your only option and yeah its fun, yeah I enjoyed it for a little bit but it got old, I manged to get a good setup, all the stuff I needed within a day or two but now what? Wait till I get killed by a glitch? Wait till I run into someone? Once you have done this a few times it just gets old and theres no reason to play anymore.



Server options would provide opportunities for all of us, want a server with lots of loot for PVP? Turn the loot number up. Want some PVE? Turn the loot way down. Want some PVZ? Turn the loot and zombies up. Want some Hardcore PVEVERYTHING? Turn loot down and the zombies up.


I enjoy play the game in many different ways, sometimes I fight on the prison island, sometimes I go shoot zombies, sometimes I bash freshspawn's skulls in with a baseball bat and proclaim Solnichny to be my kingdom, sometimes I move inland and avoid everyone and everything. I like to have options.


I also want to make it clear, a lot of people are simply saying "ADAPT, OVERCOME, GET GUD, BE BETTER AT THE GAME" and I get that, yeah we have all played it a lot and we think we are hot shit, hell I am 1000 hours in, I've been everywhere, I've killed hundreds of people, I've done everything in this game that you can do, I can start out on the coast right now and be geared up with an auto weapon and mags in a day or two depending on how the loot goes but it just isn't fun to do that over and over, the end game has been removed.

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I beg to disagree with the original poster.



I have played battlefield myself for quite a long time, ever since BFBC2. And I can say without a doubt that adding different game modes into Dayz would butcher the game.



This game is in alpha, and it is heading in the direction (generally) that the directors want it to be. If you want other game modes, they will be created. When modding becomes available, when the game is released. This game is a survival game, not a shoot em up, as the creators have stated multiple times.

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Ever since the 0.55 patch/update there have been numerous posts and topics about how DayZ is either "too darn hard", "just fine" or "heading where it should be".

Ok, so lets agree to disagree. Fine by me.


Now, coming from the Battlefield series, been playing that since it came out in 2002 me believes, there are a few server side options worth mentioning.


There will always be players with different preferences of how a game should be. Why not make it possible to have different server settings? Best of two worlds. Those who enjoy playing Picking berries Simulator 2015 can have that and those who want to gear up for world war III will be happy aswell. Just make it impossible to switch between these servers without losing your character.


More people will then actually buy the game. Should be of interest from the devs one would think.


Ah well, maybe this has been suggested already. I don´t know. If so, well, sorry I guess but here it is again :)


Happy gaming folks.



As I understand it, once the game has full release there will be mod support so you can setup a server with a mod and play it however you want, but that is a long way off yet.

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As I understand it, once the game has full release there will be mod support so you can setup a server with a mod and play it however you want, but that is a long way off yet.


Oh, really? I didn´t know that. If so then what the hell am I talking about ;)



The server population is at an all time low because:

1. The hacker problems of last year drove away scores of players

2. The game is headed in a direction that heavily limits the ways you can play the game

3. The game was quite hard to begin with, it has a learning curve and new players have a very hard time getting anywhere, now they have no chance and will likely become uninterested in playing the game before they are able to master the learning curve like the rest of us did.


As it stands now, there is only one way to play this game, spawn on the coast, hope you can find enough food to make it inland, start farming and hunting. Thats it, thats all the game has to offer right now, PVP is dead because who wants to risk that shit? Everyone avoids everyone now and if they can't avoid them they just ignore each other because goddammit I need these rounds for zombies, not a shootout with you and your friend.


In .54 there were many ways to play the game, spawn on the coast in a high pop server and fight with melee or fists, form a band of cannibals and take over Kamy using nothing but sharpened sticks, go to the prison island and fight for you life like never before, attempt to sneak through the large cities and score some loot or maybe get a ninja kill on someone and loot their gear, grab a few supplies at a freshspawn town and then head inland for survival. Now that last one is your only option and yeah its fun, yeah I enjoyed it for a little bit but it got old, I manged to get a good setup, all the stuff I needed within a day or two but now what? Wait till I get killed by a glitch? Wait till I run into someone? Once you have done this a few times it just gets old and theres no reason to play anymore.



Server options would provide opportunities for all of us, want a server with lots of loot for PVP? Turn the loot number up. Want some PVE? Turn the loot way down. Want some PVZ? Turn the loot and zombies up. Want some Hardcore PVEVERYTHING? Turn loot down and the zombies up.


I enjoy play the game in many different ways, sometimes I fight on the prison island, sometimes I go shoot zombies, sometimes I bash freshspawn's skulls in with a baseball bat and proclaim Solnichny to be my kingdom, sometimes I move inland and avoid everyone and everything. I like to have options.


I also want to make it clear, a lot of people are simply saying "ADAPT, OVERCOME, GET GUD, BE BETTER AT THE GAME" and I get that, yeah we have all played it a lot and we think we are hot shit, hell I am 1000 hours in, I've been everywhere, I've killed hundreds of people, I've done everything in this game that you can do, I can start out on the coast right now and be geared up with an auto weapon and mags in a day or two depending on how the loot goes but it just isn't fun to do that over and over, the end game has been removed.


Spot on buddy. Well put :) I gave you my beans, you gonna need it :D


Ah well, don´t get me wrong, I still think that DayZ is a whole new type of game and I like the concept. A bit too darn hard to stay on the not-starving-to-death-side atm but hey, APLHA right :)


Much obliged.



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