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Notice for wipes

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Would love to make a suggestion to perhaps give more notice in regards to persistence wipes across servers before maint.


Sure I accepted that I lost a tent and a character wipe this week randomly, so I jumped back on my athletic shoes and started again. It happens.


Finally gathered gear after travelling across the country last night popping it in my tent, incase of another random character wipe, only to find out after sleeping, working and then coming home that a persistence wipe was suddenly planned after assurances earlier in the week stating otherwise.


Before you all start telling me to not get attached to gear or "it's an alpha, get over it", no I dont want it back, I would just LOVE to get some MORE notice next time, as I do apologise for working fulltime and not having every waking moment hooked onto twitter.

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Yeah, it's a bit of a shame to not know these things a little bit earlier. The question that puzzles me quite often with Dayz Dev is: why is all the stuff so well organised around twitter, forums, etc. when we only get a heads-up in the last minute? I mean, people were complaining about this patch and its obvious problems for a week. And yet, I have to read about the wipe when it is already too late to notify my co-players; there is a certain sloppyness in the timing of these updates. I think Dayz Dev needs to employ a community manager, who deals exclusively with these issues. This would also free some resources for the devs to focus on development. After all, Eugen shouldn't be the one twittering the latest updates and news. He has enough to do with the game itself. All the news should be focused in one person, who knows the states of the different departments as well as the latest knews about the updates. 

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Yeah, it's a bit of a shame to not know these things a little bit earlier. The question that puzzles me quite often with Dayz Dev is: why is all the stuff so well organised around twitter, forums, etc. when we only get a heads-up in the last minute? I mean, people were complaining about this patch and its obvious problems for a week. And yet, I have to read about the wipe when it is already too late to notify my co-players; there is a certain sloppyness in the timing of these updates. I think Dayz Dev needs to employ a community manager, who deals exclusively with these issues. This would also free some resources for the devs to focus on development. After all, Eugen shouldn't be the one twittering the latest updates and news. He has enough to do with the game itself. All the news should be focused in one person, who knows the states of the different departments as well as the latest knews about the updates. 


Unfortunately though, that kind of business strategy is even overlooked in medium to large businesses! I agree fully that a developer should not also be PR, but in the ways of human psychology it creates a "bond" with consumer to business owner. Therefore in some ways it is better to do your own customer interaction... bugger. lol

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