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*Way* more filter settings.

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A basic feature that I'm really missing in this game. I've wasted days hopping from server to server, not even really playing but trying to find out if a place was okay enough. This would have been easy if *everybody* added more information to their servers names, but as we all know this isn't exactly the case. Things I'd like to further filter servers on:


 - Public / Private

 - Persistence (1st / both)

 - Perspective (yes / no)

 - Whitelist (yes / no)

 - Timescale (including 0x for servers that have time fixed)

 - Time frame (for instance perma 12:00 - 15:00)

 - Server resets (yes / no)

 - Server reset frequency

 - Spawn rate multiplier for items, zombies, etc

 - Geographical location (as opposed to only ping)


Now, I'm aware some of these can simply be sorted in the server window. But what with way that list updates and just the sheer length of it, it would be so much easier if I never had to deal with that. There are probably more things that set a server apart, but I'm not on top of this game as much as you guys are. I just hope this is enough to get the general idea across.


Example of a site that does this for a server community: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=serversearch



Edited by thatdearguy
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would like private sorted out, since there's a lot of them now


a week ago I played half a day on a private server without even knowing (nothing stopped me or asked for a password etc).  I'd just died and switched servers, so I didn't think anything of it when I started with nothing.  didn't realize that server was private til I went to another and had nothing again.

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At least we have those sorting options to make just a bit of sense of that. It's the subtler server settings that are getting on my nerves. I have a feeling we won't see a filter feature like this until DayZ hits at least beta, but.. it would be so convenient if it came earlier. It would save so many people so much time.


I hope some dev will read this, but I probably shouldn't be getting my hopes up.

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