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Make binoculars more common

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Between my home and vehicles I own three pair myself.

Binoculars should be roughly as common as maps and compasses, maybe even more so.

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I think they should be as common as maps and compasses. Between my home and my vehicles I have three pair myself.

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Your question' date=' is not a suggestion.


It was implied.

Suggestion: Put binoculars in the game. (I've never seen any but wasn't sure that there were none.)

Answer: They are in the game, just very uncommon.

Suggestion: Make binoculars more common.

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I agree on this. We need more binoculars. I have found them only once and those I lost because of some asshole bandit shooting me up.

I really hope binoculars will be made atleast a bit more easier to find.

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Must agree to this, you find hunting rifles wite optics laying around all over the country side but no Binoculars. A few more randomly droped over the map whouldent hurt.

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*Lovingly hugs his rangefinder*

Don't believe you! Show us a pic or it's BS ;)

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Look harder people, I've found plenty of binoculars lately, both in Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk.

But regarding the suggestion, almost every family I know (including mine) has a pair of binoculars laying around so they should be more common.

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There is a rangefinder' date=' I've had one.

Thermals on that are a godsend.


Rangefinder has thermal?

Thought it was just NV?

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I found my first pair of binoculars yesterday. I almost fell off a roof it was so shocking to see them there!

I don't care at all about milspec optics. Get rid of the NVs and thermals if you like (do thermals even work on zombies? Should they?) But more binocs, please!

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I'd just like to say Rocket the rate of development and listening to the community is a rarity you hardly find these days. Thanks for this

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1.2.24? I've only seen one pair since that release and I think I've tried every update so far, at least the ones that stayed on a server for any length of time.

Maybe I should have reworded my suggestion... More binoculars where they can more easily be found by new players. I've seen more sniper rifles than binoculars near the coast line and I think I'd prefer it the other way around.

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Crap - I meant 1.4.24 (which is sitting on my HD) :)

Range Finders have been in game. They're much rarer in 1.4.24.

Release schedule 2 hours (once I finish work).

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Thanks rocket! You are the man! What are you doing wasting time on the forums??? Aren't you supposed to be slaving away at coding or something? :D

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