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Admin abuse - What you need to know

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really dude you really want people to beleave admins have no control on hackers it really know about 60% or more adims are hacker or friends of hacker just like sever us 106 nl3 me and my friends and so random player just watch a huey crash and respawn again next to the crash site and it was a clan sever.

Got another statistic for you. ''70% of all statistics are pulled out of thin air.''

All jokes aside now, Zoop has clearly stated the intentions of this thread several times. Many reputable server suppliers have posted in here and requested this to be stickied.

This thread states clearly what we as legitimate server admins are able to do and please be aware that many hackers frequent clan servers to grief a larger group of people. So before you make accusations please work out whether you were affected by an admin or a hacker.

Most reputable admins will have some form of communication. So contact them and try to reach a solution. Be aware that there is not much we can do except search for evidence in logs and kick and/or ban. If there is no evidence in the logs then there is very little we can do without visual or video clarification.

We are on your side so stop hopping on the admin hating band-wagon. We use what tools we have available to provide a service to you.

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And no, admins do NOT grief by restarting servers. SOME admins do that. Stop labelling the entire group for something a select few might be doing.

and to top it off, players are ungrateful little shits.


You might want to follow your own advice and not label all players ungratefull little shits. its pretty much like every other server admin i see... they expect to be treated a certain way but turn around and treat everyone else the same way they dont want to be treated.


i dont even know what to say about the fact that a dayz team member" QFT" the fact that all players are ungrateful little shits.... unbelievable

Edited by ballzfernando
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Miss the point much?

The thread was created for the vast amount of innocent admins being accused of admin abuse when the incidents clearly are not. Like the numerous threads in which players go 'admin remote killed me, blacklist plz.'

This thread is stickied because it sets out exactly what admins can and cannot do. It's here in an attempt to curb the rampant hysterics of uninformed players who want to scream admin abuse at everything and nothing.

what about all the innocent players being banned... wheres their sticky? why arent severs that ARE abusing their admin priviladges being removed from the the list? yet players are being banned left and right by these so called amazing admins

Edited by ballzfernando

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what about all the innocent players being banned... wheres their sticky? why arent severs that ARE abusing their admin priviladges being removed from the the list? yet players are being banned left and right by these so called amazing admins

Innocent players' don't need a sticky, they have an entire forum in which they can post about wrongful bans. This sticky is only here so players can read up on what admins can and cannot do.

It doesn't exactly take a genius to work out whether he/she has been wrongfully banned.

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ignoring the other post i see

last thing we need is some server admins nerd rage to be a sticky

It doesn't exactly take a genius to work out whether he/she has been wrongfully banned.

you must not read the ban appeals forum

Edited by ballzfernando

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I ignored the other post because I don't deem it worth a response.

I don't see what the ban appeals forum has to do with knowing when you've been wrongfully banned, tbh. If you weren't doing anything wrong, and you get banned, then you were wrongfully banned. It's pretty much common sense, imo.

Edited by Zoop

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I ignored the other post because I don't deem it worth a response.

so calling everyone "ungrateful little shits" while at the same time asking everyone not to call you an abusive admin isnt worth your time to clarify on.

oh the irony

Edited by ballzfernando

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ignoring the other post i see

last thing we need is some server admins nerd rage to be a sticky

you must not read the ban appeals forum

I don't think he reads thee ban appeals forum at all. He's too busy high on his pedestal thinking admins are almighty and innocent.

Also, what if an admin was a hacker and teleports/remote kills/whateverZoopsaysadminsdon'tdo? The hacking admin hides under the umbrella of this sticky and gets away with it completely. After all "admins can't do that."

-Admins are people

-People are able to hack

--Therefore Admins are able to hack

Just because someone whines about an admin teleporting to them and killing them doesn't mean it's untrue.

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Then it's not a case of admin abuse, but a case of hacking. I never said admins can't hack. This thread, however, is here for admin abuse, not hacking. :)

Also, I'm glad to hear that my thread clarifying what is and what isn't admin abuse is now somehow a high pedestal for me. :)

so calling everyone "ungrateful little shits" while at the same time asking everyone not to call you an abusive admin isnt worth your time to clarify on.

oh the irony

There's a difference between saying all admins break the rules and saying players have attitude problems. :)

Edited by Zoop

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the problem with your post isnt what the content is about but they way you are presenting the content. you make yourself out to be an asshole, snobby 16yr old pos. you belittle everyone that isnt a server admin.

then the dayz team comes along stickies it, and quotes it for truth!

the game currently needs 3 things to work.. the Devs, the server hosters, and the players. take one of them out and there is no Dayz.

everyone deserves equal respect here and calling the entire player base "ungrateful little shits" completely invalidates everything you are tyring to accomplish with this post.

Its pretty crazy how this simple fact is so lost on you.

if it wasn't for the players there would be no DayZ

if it wasn't for the players ARMA2 wouldnt be the top selling game for the last few months

if it wasn't for the players BI would never have picked up this game to go stand alone

and the list can go on and on on about how gratefull everyone should be to the players instead of belittleing them and calling them all "ungrateful little shits"

Edited by ballzfernando

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I said players are ungrateful little shits, not ALL players are ungrateful little shits. :)

Lrn2context. :)

I've got a pretty wonderful group of regulars who play on my server. A bit demanding at times, but a good crowd, all in all. :)

If it'll make you feel better I'll add the word *some* to that post. :)

Edited by Zoop

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If it'll make you feel better I'll add the word *some* to that post. :)

That would be nice since you went out of your way to add it when you were talking about bad server admins.......

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Then it's not a case of admin abuse, but a case of hacking. I never said admins can't hack. This thread, however, is here for admin abuse, not hacking.

No, but you're adamant against people who claim an admin teleported to them and killed them. What are your thoughts on hacking and admins? What if the line between hacking and admin are far apart but the admin is responsible?

For example, what if an admin has a clan and their based in his server. One of his/her members hacks and spawns in shitIdon'tevenknowwhat. The admin allows this and provides a safehaven for them to do this. And somewhere down the line, the admin has the hacker teleport the admin to a player to kill them. Now the admin is in a situation to claim innocence because they indeed weren't hacking. The logs will show that the admin wasn't hacking, but they were in cahoots with the hacker and they can get away with it because...

We cannot:

- Spawn in weapons and vehicles

- Remotely kill players

- Crash your game

- Roll back our servers to previous 'saves'

- Spawn nukes on top of players

- Teleport

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Posted Today, 03:26 PM

the problem with your post isnt what the content is about but they way you are presenting the content. you make yourself out to be an asshole, snobby 16yr old pos. you belittle everyone that isnt a server admin.

then the dayz team comes along stickies it, and quotes it for truth!

The game currently needs 3 things to work.. the Devs, the server hosters, and the players. take one of them out and there is no Dayz.

everyone deserves equal respect here and calling the entire player base "ungrateful little shits" completely invalidates everything you are tyring to accomplish with this post.

Its pretty crazy how this simple fact is so lost on you.

At the moment there is only a shortage of Devs. There is currently plenty of players and servers popping up left right and center. The corrupt admins will be culled soon enough, the impatient players will leave when the next CoD is released next week and more Devs will be brought in as time goes on.

In addition, both of you are splitting hairs. You both have good points to make but ultimately are as opinionated as each other. Broaden both of your perspectives and try to see both sides of the fence.

This post was stickied because it expresses what legitimate Admins can and cannot do. This is quoted for truth because it is the truth. If it was not he would have been shot down quickly.

Every player isn't an ungrateful little shite but you must admit that there are quite a few that need to read the statement by the OP before they post anything. If they do not have the patience to do that, or have the courtesy to perform a quick search, then I won't defend them.

Frankly, there are too many posts bad-mouthing servers that have hard working, caring admins that have had accusations thrown at them based on speculation and ignorance. Hence the necessity to have this post sticked.

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No, but you're adamant against people who claim an admin teleported to them and killed them. What are your thoughts on hacking and admins? What if the line between hacking and admin are far apart but the admin is responsible?

For example, what if an admin has a clan and their based in his server. One of his/her members hacks and spawns in shitIdon'tevenknowwhat. The admin allows this and provides a safehaven for them to do this. And somewhere down the line, the admin has the hacker teleport the admin to a player to kill them. Now the admin is in a situation to claim innocence because they indeed weren't hacking. The logs will show that the admin wasn't hacking, but they were in cahoots with the hacker and they can get away with it because...

Then it is still not a case of admin abuse, because the admin isn't abusing his admin powers, he's abusing hacks. If any admin uses hacks, or has any of his friends use hacks for him, he's a cheating piece of shit, but it's still not admin abuse. It's hacking.

It might just as well be a non-admin player asking his hacking friend to teleport him around the map, and you wouldn't be able to convict him of hacking either.

Edited by Zoop

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Then it is still not a case of admin abuse, because the admin isn't abusing his admin powers, he's abusing hacks.

True, but not the point that I'm making. What I am saying is that the admin is protected by being the admin. If someone wants to report the admin, they'll have a harder time because the logs won't show the admin hacking and the admin will claim innocence because of the sanctuary of not being able to do any of the hacking. The admin will be clear of any charges and continue to hack. In doing so, is abusing his/her privileges as admin.

Edited by BobJoeXXI

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Anyway, this back and forth bickering is getting pretty tiresome.

If anyone has any amendments, alterations or think they've got anything I've missed to add in the OP, post them here and I'll have a look at them, then change the OP as necessary. It's an informative post on what is and what isn't admin abuse, not some kind of post to hide a malicious agenda.

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True, but not the point that I'm making. What I am saying is that the admin is protected by being the admin. If someone wants to report the admin, they'll have a harder time because the logs won't show the admin hacking and the admin will claim innocence because of the sanctuary of not being able to do any of the hacking. The admin will be clear of any charges and continue to hack. In doing so, is abusing his/her privileges as admin.

The logs don't show normal players hacking either. An admin cannot claim innocence from hacking based solely on the fact that he's an admin, and I never said they should or could. Hacking is still against the rules, regardless of whether you're a server admin or not, so even if an admin hacks, chances are pretty big next time BattlEye rolls out a ban wave he's going to get his account banned, so he'll get what's coming to him.

Claiming admin status to avoid being banned for hacking is pretty stupid and only a moron would believe someone a suspected hacker isn't hacking just because he's an admin.

Once again;

hacking <=> admin abuse.

Two separate issues.

I'll amend the OP and add that admins can still hack, but ultimately I think it's pointless because it's common sense and is still not a case of admin abuse.

Edited by Zoop

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How to be an admin on dayz.

>lock server

>kick everyone

>farm items.

>never get black listed.

You do realise that the DayZ team is severely understaffed at the moment, right? Just make a thread for abusive servers and the devs should get around to it sometime. Right now my guess is that their biggest concern lies with solving the rampant hacking issues. They haven't even released the patch that was scheduled for release more than a week ago yet, so I think they've got their hands pretty full at the moment.

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How to be an admin on dayz.

>lock server

>kick everyone

>farm items.

>never get black listed.

Thanks for the abusing of all server admins.

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Mr zoop. I have one question for you. You said you and all admins here, have the right or the power to lock the server. i would like to tell me one good reason why to lock a server in your opinion. Cause last day...an admin was furious bout losing some vehicles..and locked himself in the server for several hours! so what is wrong with this power? maybe it is an abuse??? If you can answer my question i would be grateful

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He stated what powers we have at our disposal.

We are not allowed to lock servers with the current iteration of terms in Day Z.

We can do it but it would not be allowed and could potentially lead to blacklisting if abused. There are some exceptions i.e. legitimate testing (not hoarding in a clan).

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Mr zoop. I have one question for you. You said you and all admins here, have the right or the power to lock the server. i would like to tell me one good reason why to lock a server in your opinion. Cause last day...an admin was furious bout losing some vehicles..and locked himself in the server for several hours! so what is wrong with this power? maybe it is an abuse??? If you can answer my question i would be grateful

Nah, that's only the things we can do, not necessarily what we're allowed to do.

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