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poodude28 (DayZ)

Is there a way to turn off vignette?

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So, if I press escape the bottom left right and top left and right corners of the screen lose a 'darkness' to them which is vignette effect if memory serves me correctly, with fraps on if I press escape  I gain 5 or 6 frames with that darkness effect gone(the effect dissapears while in the escape menu), and then once I leave the escape menu I lose 5 or 6 frames because that darkness effect in the corners comes back.


If this post doesn't make sense tell me and I will try to make it in better terms.

Edited by poodude28

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So its a visual affect in the menu. What is your point in removing it?

aparently he gains a few FPS on screens where it's not visible, thus is asking if he can outright disable it.

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I've noticed that too.. Not sure if the fps increase comes from the darkness in the corners disappear or that the menu blocks 1/8 of the screen.

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